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I feel myself slowly wake up. I rub myself into my pillo- wait a second... this is not a pillow.

I rub my hand in a circle and realize it's a hard chest. I open my eyes to see I fell asleep on Tarrant. I sit up and pull myself away from him. At first I'm surprised to see where I am. Then I remember...

I look at his sleeping face and smile to myself, remembering what we did last night.

I bite my lip to try and calm the feels starting to creep up inside me. I start to stretch out my arms and legs, but I stop when I feel a slight pain between my legs. This startles me enough to lift the blanket and see there's a little puddle of dried blood in between my thighs. I up the blanket back down to cover up myself and bite my lip harder. It's not helping this time. Before last night I would of thought it was my monthly shedding, but I know better now.

I look at my sleeping companion next to me and remember how he felt. I remember how good he made me feel. He never rushed me or made me feel uncomfortable at any point. It was beyond perfect.

I will say, I never really wanted to conduct the act before. Not until I remembered the version of myself that did wonder. So much wonder I have for this man.

Now that I did, and I no longer need to wonder about the act, I wonder how people can go on with life knowing there's so much better activities they could be doing with the person they love. This beautiful, colorful man next to me it's utter perfection in every way possible.

As I watch Tarrant sleep, he eventually stirs awake and rubs his eyes. He yawns and scratches his chest. When he looks to me, he looks startled for a second. It resides just as fast as it came thought because then I see him grow a smile.

He sees I'm already looking at him, and the  he pulls me by my waist to get closer to him. I laugh at the surprising action. He kisses me all over my face and neck while I giggle at the tickling feeling. "Oh Tarrant, stop!"

He pulls away, but not to far, and says, "Never! You taste to good." With those words I just continue to laugh as he attacks me with tickling kisses.

After a few moments, he stops kissing me and I can finally catch my breath. I have my arms wrapped around his neck while his arms are wrapped around my waist. Tarrant and me are in such a peaceful place in our lives in this moment.

For a second we can forget about the outside problems. For a second we can just fill each other with love and sweetness.

But of course... Tarrant isn't thinking these things. He's thinking about everything his brain can possibly muster up.

Tarrant looks into my eyes and pleads, "Never leave me."

I'm surprised by the plead, but I know something worse could of been said. Like insane jibber jabber to further ruin the moment. I've realized early on that Tarrant feels embarrassed when his mouth opens and he can't control what comes out. Luckily, he'll never have to worry about me caring about these things. I love everything about him. Even the jibber jabber.

I smile up at him and assure him, "Never, ever. I promise." After a few moments of just getting lost in each other's eyes, his smile falls. With his smile falling, mine does too. "What's wrong?"

He wiggles his nose in thought. "Why do you have nothing left in Overland?"


I never thought I would be asked this question. It is a understandable question though. Every time I've left Underland, it was because of the people I left in Overland. Except this time... I don't have that anymore.

I breath in and remember my muchness. I need it right now. "My mother and father are gone Tarrant. The only person I have left is my sister and she wants nothing to do with me... she's also selling the only thing I had joy with up there... I already told you yesterday, I have something much better now to stay for."

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