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I see it...

Were in Underland, except everything looks different. Everything looks brighter and there's more homes then I've seen before. It's then I realize we're not in the current Underland. We're in the past.

I remember this past. I've been here when I stole Times chromosphere. This is before Mirana official became next in line to be Queen. Maybe even before Mirana ate the tarts.

"Yes, Alice. Beautiful, Alice. Your getting it," I hear Emiliza whisper into my head. I can't move, only see so I can't look around to find out where she is. "Time for us to go into a little story of mine. I must warn you, it's not a very good story."

That's when the village vanished. I was now in the room that was owned by Mirana and Iracebeth. But I didn't see Iracebeth. I saw young Mirana and... Emiliza?

"Yes! Little tight I was, but that is me and that is Mirana."

There both sitting on the ground shuffling and playing with toys. Mirana looks like her same white smiling self but younger. This is when she was a child. Emiliza looks... sane? She's wearing a lilac fluffed out dress, her hair is dark blond and in a high bun. She has a white pair of gloves on and few shinning rings to match her dress. She maybe very young here, but her real eyes are the same. And from now and again I see them flash a little red in them.

"Emili, I have a question?" Young Mirana asks her companion.

"Yes, Princess Mirana."

Mirana rolls her eyes at the title, "You know I don't like you calling me that. We're friends remember."

Young Emiliza looks ashamed. Her checks blush and she shyly replies, "I-I know you don't, but I'm your future hand madden when I come of age. I must call you that."

"No you don't. If you are to become my future hand madden, my first order is for you to only ever call me Mirana." Mirana never did like titles. She only prefers to be called your majesty when she's in her castle.

Emiliza blushes even more deeply. She starts twirling a piece of her hair that fell out of her bun. "Yes Mirana," she replies shyly. But she is not ashamed this time. She smiles a girly, happy smile. One I never thought I would see on Emiliza's face.

All of the smiles Emiliza has shown me were mad and cruel. This one is different. More like, fondness?

"THAT IS NOT THE POINT!" Emiliza, the present one, yells in my head. "Pay attention, Alice. The good parts coming up~"

Emiliza, the younger version, looks back up to Mirana. She stares at her for a few seconds then breaths out, "Now. What was it you were going to ask me?"

"Oh!" Mirana shakes her head like she was in a daydream. "Your right, I was going to ask you a question." Mirana shuffles closer to Emiliza to be just in her ear shot, "Can you-" Emiliza holds her breath, "Let me see what it would be like if I were queen?"

Emiliza is frozen for awhile. She blinks a few times then shakes her head. "Princess, I mean Mirana, no. You know someone like me should never have permission to be inside their head of someone like you."

"But were best friends! I trust you, and if anything i'll never be queen. My sister is next in line, anyway."

Emiliza stares at Mirana for a fews seconds contemplating, "Why do you want to see that anyway?"

Mirana lets out a annoyed huff but answers promptly, "Because I would just like to know. I know it won't be real, but it's still something I wish for."

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