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Oh my Underland, what have I done!

You just helped me make a decision, she said

Your next, she said.

What does that mean! Whats does that mean!

"My boy, are you alright?" I can't pay attention to my father right now. My mind is spinning. Spinning, and spinning, and spinning!

"Hatter!" I whip my head towards Mallymkun. She's trying to show me how to breath, but I don't want to. I don't want to sit here and breath. I don't want to sit here and control myself.

Your next.

I start punchin' thee' needles an ripping them out by thee' steam. I'm screaming an yelling at everythin'. Mallymkun is tryin' to yell at me to stop, but I won't. I don't 'ant to. That bloody bitch! That bloody black witch!

Stealing me girl like she's 'ers.

Stealing me life like it's 'ers.

I wish I could push all me rage onto her.

I wish I could pull out 'er hair instead of thee's needles.

All of this wouldn't of happened if it wasn't for tat' bloody black witch.

"Hatter! Please, help me!"

Then I stopped. Alice's voice is what brought me back. Her sweet, scared little voice. Just like the voice I heard in my dreams.

I can't see you in a dream, that's not reality.

Who's to say which is which?

It was her. It was my Alice. She called for me, she wants me to save her. She wants me to find her, and by bloody Underland, I will. I will bring Alice home. I'll bring her back whether she hates me or loves me in the end. Because she's my Alice and no one can take that from me.

I look at my companions one, by one. There all staring at me. I know I hit rock bottom. They know, I've hit rock bottom. They just don't know the why. I'm sure they have an idea. All they have to do is look back and realize I've been different since Alice left and know. Know that I think of Alice more then just a friend.

Instead of saying anything on the matter, I start walking. Walking towards the person that can make this all go away. Oh, how I wish this was just a dream. A sad, terrible dream. And I wish I could just wake up. When I get about twenty steps away from them, I call back, "Let's go!" They all comply without a word.

As we're walking, no one says anything. Everyone is silent and letting me think. Though I bet half of think that not such a great idea. It's really not, if you think about it. But they still say quiet. Leaving me to think about all the things I've thought, thinked, and thanked about Alice. Even though I'll get Alice back no matter what, I still wonder what she will say if she sees what I've thought. Thought of her.

Instead of seeing them as amazing things or wanted things, I think of them as terrible things. Terrible that I ever let myself get this far. Terrible that my mind let me get this far.

Underlands Madness Unlocked [ Alice x Hatter ] B1Where stories live. Discover now