Utter Bliss

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As soon as the door shuts behind Mirana and Emiliza, I look straight to Alice. She's playing with the strings on the end of one of my blankets. I'm so incredibly excited, but also terribly scared to be in this room alone with her.

I've had her back for about a month now, but I haven't had the ability to speak to her. I missed her voice so much. I shivered when I heard her say my name. To hear her say my name was like a dream that finally came true. I feel like I'm in a dream right now with having Alice sit there, right in front of me. I finally got my Alice back. Not fully but almost there. So very, very close.

I'm scared because of what she's seen. I know by now that she's definitely seen some of my thoughts. There's no way Emiliza- old Emiliza- let my thoughts go without being seen. I'm scared of her real reaction. I'm scared of my reaction. I don't want this to make Alice not want to see me ever again. I can't see my life without her in it. I hope she feels the same.

It's been 5 minutes and 12 seconds of silence between us. She knows I'm staring at her, but she doesn't look at me. I can't let this happen. I can't let this be our new normal.

I decide to be the first to fill the silence,

"You know, Chessur asked for my hat again."

Stupid thing to say Hatter.

"Did he now?"

Oh good, we're still talking. Now I just want her to look at me. "Yes! He did! At the worst of times too. It was during the night we were in the prison world. That place we went when we were trying to save-" I stopped myself there.

Stupid, stupid, STUPID!

She did look up though. I don't think it was because I kept talking to her though. She looked at me and was thinking. She has her, oh so familiar, thinking face on. The face I can never read because I can't see into her bloody mind!

Alice breaths in slowly and out just as slow. I stay silent, and wait for her to say what she's been waiting to say. "Hatter, I need to tell you something." Oh no. "It's something that Emiliza showed me." Please, no. "I know... I know everything."

And here comes the mad jabbering...

"I'm so, so, SO sorry Alice! I'm sorry about my feelings. I'm sorry I can't help what I feel. Your just so... you. I-I tried to stop it. I tried to stop it as soon as it started, but it just stuck. It stuck each time I tried to make it go away. I didn't-I don't want to lose you! I longed for you for so long. I've had these feelings for you for so long!"

"Hatter," Alice stands.

But I don't stop. I can't stop now. "I tried, and I tried. You must believe me! Then each time I tried it got worse. It got so bad I could... I just didn't... I fell for you. I love you. I love you so much that my own madness created it's own place just for you. It created the bad thoughts and I don't even want to know what you think about them. Just... I'm so sorry. I've never been in love before."

I hear Alice gasp quietly, but I continue.

"I've never loved someone as much as I love you. I'll never find someone like you. I'll never be with someone like you because there's only one you. There's only one Alice... and that Alice is the only Alice I'll want. I'm sorry for-"

I never got to continue. I never got to continue because right when I was in the madness Alice took me out of it. She took me out of it by kissing me. Her kips connected with mine and I froze. I pinch myself to see if I'm dreaming- something Alice showed me- but I'm still here. Alice is still here.

Alice is kissing me.

When I finally realize what's happening, whats really happening right then and there. I wrap my arms around her hips and kiss her back.

Her lips taste like sweetness. The feel of her lips feel like the first time a child ever eats Ice cream. She moves her lips against mine and it feels like fireworks. Fireworks that blasted off and decided to give me what I've always wanted.

Alice is kissing me. I'm kissing Alice. And I've never felt something more right.

After a few more seconds of enjoying this moment, she pulls back. I blink my eyes open and stare into her clear, oh so beautiful, eyes. She smiles up at me and laughs that amazing laugh of hers I missed so much. I'm so utterly speechless. I don't know what to say. I move my hand from her hips to her face. I move a stray hair to behind her ear then comb my fingers through her hair. I missed this feeling, of her hair through my finger. But now, I've found a better feeling to miss.

Her smile continues to sparkle and all I can do is look at her. Look at the beauty in front of me. The beauty I don't deserve. I guess that's why the first thing I said was, "Why?"

She swallows and straightens her back a little. She never loses her smile when she tells me, "Because I love you too, Tarrant."

Did I hear her right? "You-you love me? You love me?" Doesn't hurt to ask twice.

Alice giggles and nods her head. "Yes, Tarrant. I've loved you for awhile now-" I drop to my knees. "I've loved you for so long, even I forgot when it started." I squeeze the fabric of her dress between my hand. I'm such in utter bliss from hearing those word I lost all my abilities to function. I never EVER thought I would hear Alice say these word out loud. Or the next words,

"And I forgive you."

She forgives me... wait! Forgives me for what?

Her words broke me from my bliss. I shake my head and stand again. "Forgive me? What do you forgive me for Alice?"

Her smile fades for a second but comes back as a closed smile. "I'll tell you soon. I need to forgive other people first before I can tell you. I have a list I need to cross out and... you were actually at the bottom of that list."

A list?

What list?

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