First Forgiven

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"Hatter," Was the first thing I said when I woke up from... I'm not very sure. I guess, I woke up from the emptiness.

I turn to my right and Emiliza sitting next to me. We're not in her world anymore though. I look around and see the familiar yellow wallpaper. Cups and plates scattered anywhere they could be put, and multiple pictures of these strangest things.

Is this Hatters room?

"Yes, Alice." I turn back to Emiliza and see her watching me. Watching me view my surrounding. I'm terribly confused on how i'm here right now. I'm also confused on why Emiliza looks so different. Not appearance wise, she still has her dark gray hair and the pure red eyes every time she uses her abilities. Even the black veins are still there but something is different.

I decide to ask her the first question that came to mind, "What happened?"

She breaths through her nose then out her mouth slowly. Almost like she's preparing herself to answer. "After you... I... broke your mind, I brought you to Mirana's castle and..." She explains everything that happened. How her light was put back into her, and how Ericiza will one day return for Mirana. She apologized multiple times through out her explanation. She apologized for what she did and wished she could take it all back, but now I'm not so sure if I want this all erased.

If she wouldn't of showed me everything, I wouldn't know things I know now about my friends now. They did hurt, but I've always been one to be able to forgive easily especially to the people of Underland. They have saved me from going mad in Overland multiple times as well. 

I also wouldn't remember I loved the Hatter. My darling, creative Hatter. I think the only thing I would want to change is the still broken heart that I have.

I want to forgive my friends, but the only way I can do that is to talk to them. Talk to them and confront them. I want to forgive Hatter too. I just don't known how I'll start that conversation.

After Emiliza stops explaining everything that happened, she genuinely looks upset. She reminds me a lot of her younger self right now. The part of her that I saw when she would do anything to protect Mirana. I reach out to Emiliza and grab her hand. She glances at our hands then looks back up at me. I tell her my first goal I'm starting to cross off the list, "I forgive you."

"You-you forgive me?"Emiliza asks completely confused. 

"Yes, I forgive you Emiliza." I smile at her and she returns it. I knew from the first memory I ever saw that Emiliza wasn't always pure darkness or pure madness. When she had her light she loved many, and protected the people that fell into the same category. In a strange way, she was just like me, and I believe she can be that person again.

After a few more moments of silence and us just staring into each other eyes, Emiliza claps her hands and stands up. "Well! Time for you to meet the people that have been worried sick over you."

I giggle at her outburst and ask, "Who?"

She doesn't answer, just smiles at me. She walks over to the door and slowly opens it. Once the door opens, I see two of the people I have been so nervous to talk to.

Mirana and Tarrant.

Out of the two of them though, I only had eyes for one person. I stare right at Tarrant and can't look away. I whisper out, "Tarrant." And I watch him physically shiver. 

I hear a rumbling coming from him. I'm not sure what type of sound it really was, but it can only could be explained as a very hattery noice, I guess. He steps forward and says, "Alice?" But he says it as a question. Like asking if I'm truly me. I nod my head and smile brightly at him.

Next thing I know, I'm getting embraced my Tarrant. I gasp and freeze. I don't know what to do. The old me would gladly embrace back, but now I know so much. I can't even enjoy the feel of his arms around me because of the overwhelming feelings I'm having. I'm overthinking quiet literally everything...

What if I hug him wrong?

Has his feelings changed?

Should I say something?

What should I do?

What can I do?

Luckily I didn't have to do anything because Emiliza tapped Tarrant on the shoulder and he slowly released me. I nod to her my thanks and she smiles back. Though, Tarrant doesn't understand and blurts out, "What's wrong with her?"

I raise my eyebrows and look at him funny. Emiliza thankfully explains before I do, "Alice has seen... a lot. She's also been through a lot. Her mind maybe working overtime, like legit overtime, right now. She has a lot to think about, and it will take Alice awhile to be her total normal self again." Normal? Now that a stretch. Emiliza just rolls her eyes at me. 

Well, that's one way to put it though. I already have a plan to forgive everybody, but I don't think I'll ever feel the same about some people. And one of those people are in this room. Mirana and Tarrant nod their understanding.

Mirana is next to come up to me, but she slowly goes to sit down next to me. "Hello, Alice," She softly greets. She will be last on my list. I look to Emiliza and she raises a curious eyebrow. You'll understand soon enough.

I look back to Mirana and she smiles at me, but to her surprise I don't return it. I stare at her right in the eyes and say, "You betrayed me."

"I-I what?" Mirana stands and backs up. I know what I said may have hurt her, but I'm hurt too. Thats why she'll be last on my list. Last to know why It's so hard for mer to forgive her.

I shake my head and whisper, "I don't want to talk to you right now... Not yet at least." Mirana nods her understanding.

It was soon after this that Emiliza and Mirana decided to leave. They realized I had a lot to think about and that didn't involve them. Well, not yet at least. As they walk out the door I follow them with my eyes. 

There about to leave in 3... 2... 1. 

Then they're gone.

Leaving only me, and Tarrant.

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