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Another note from your over explaining author! This chapter is all in italics because everything is in Alice's mind. Unlike the last time Emiliza went in and out of her mind, there's no returning to the outside world since Alice is stuck in the state she's in. I tried my best to not make it as confusing as possible. Now without any more over explaining... Enjoy :)



That's all I see, hear, smell, and feel. Completely and utterly empty. Sometimes I feel sad, but only for a few minutes then I come back to feeling empty. Empty is where I'm safe. Empty is where I can stay to make sure no one else hurts me. Black and cold emptiness. Emptiness is where I'll stay.


What was that? That's not emptiness. Emptiness does not have a voice.

"Alice it's me! Emiliza."

Emiliza? Your emptiness?

"No, Alice. Beautiful, Alice you must see it."

But I can't see. I can't see, smell, feel-

"I know, I know. I already heard you explain it. I'm hear to help you Alice. Let me help you."

Empty, empty, empty.

"Stop it! Focus on me Alice. Focus on my voice."

Empty, empty, empty. I want empty.

"NO! Your not going back to being empty anymore! Time to wake up Alice. Time for you to remember the good times. It's time for me to show you what you have. Show you what's waiting for you out there! Whats outside the empty. Time to make you remember~"



"I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!"

What was that? Was that... a rabbit? Rabbits can't talk and they definitely can't read time. I put my cat down and start running after the curious rabbit. "Oh, Mr. Rabbit!"

"I'm late! I'm late! No time to say hello, goodbye. I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!"

No matter what this white rabbit says, I follow him. I follow him because unlike my sister, I want to find adventures. Enough with her silly books without any pictures. I want conversations instead. I follow him all the way till we get to a hole. A rabbit hole, it looks like. I lean forward and call out, "Oh, Mr. Rab- WOW!"

Next thing I know, I'm falling. Falling down the rabbit hole and get poked by branches, dirt, and- is that a book case? I keep falling and falling down the rabbit hole. I fall all the way done until I hit something. I shake my head look around.

Is this a room?

It is a room! A room with red curtains all around the walls, and blue and yellow flooring. Did I hit my head? This can't be possible. Maybe I'm dreaming. That was a far fall. How long was I falling?



"You were falling Alice. That rabbit, McTiwst, showed you the way to Wonderland all those years ago."

I did follow a rabbit. A rabbit right down a hole to the place I call Wonderland, but that doesn't mean he was very nice to me. Just because he brought me somewhere. Doesn't mean he brought me there for tea and niceties.

That's right... He wanted me dead.

"No! He got to know you and brought you back, remember? He needed you to slay the jabberwocky because only you could! Absolum showed you this. Remember Absolum?"



"Who... are you?" The blue caterpillar asked. He was smoking his pipe and blowing the most strangest shapes.

"Well, I'm Alice."

He inhales a big lung full- do caterpillars have lungs? - and blows it all in my face. I cough with the intrusion to my own lungs. "I've never heard of an Alice before. I'm Absolum."

What a curious name. I never knew caterpillars had names. Maybe I didn't hear him right, I repeated it just to make sure, "Absolum?"

"Yes, stupid girl."

Stupid girl.

Stupid girl...

"Haha! He called you a stupid girl. That's what he calls you remember? Both times you forgot about Underland, or Wonderland, whatever, he called you stupid girl."

Absolum. The smartest caterpillar I've ever met. I think he's the only one I've ever met frankly. He's never done me wrong. He was always there when I needed him. In caterpillar form and butterfly form. He brought me to... to Wonderland last time I came.

"Yes, Alice! Your getting it! Your getting it!"

But he wasn't with me when... when I... emptiness. Find the emptiness.

Empty, empty, empty.

"NO! The emptiness is not good! You can't hide in the emptiness anymore Alice. Think about Hatter."


My Hatter...

"Now, what did you say your name was?"

"I didn't."

"Nice to meet you, I Didn't."

"No," I giggle at his confusion. "My name is Alice.

"I Didn't Alice. What a peculiar name. I like it!"

I laugh again at this Mad Hatters mix up. What a incredibly, interesting Mad Hatter. I explain him my name and he's smiles at me. A gaped-tooth smile, but none the less a bright one. I like this Hatter. He's not as mad as that cheshire cat said. I think I'll stay for tea for a little while.



"You did that on your own Alice. Do it again."

Do what again?




"Painting the roses red," Cards of the Red Queen.

"I'll take you to the Hare and the Hatter," Chessur.

"Run, Alice!" Mallymkun.

"Off with your head!" Red Queen.

"Now all we need, is a champion," The White Queen.

"Stupid girl," Absolum.

"This way, east to Quest," Tweedle Dee.

"No, south to Snops, "Tweedle Dum.

"Why is a raven like a writing rest?" Hatter.



I gasp and sit up. "Hatter."

Underlands Madness Unlocked [ Alice x Hatter ] B1Where stories live. Discover now