Beyond Repair

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Before you start this chapter, I just want to say it was incredibly hard for me to write. Even while I was writing it, I was mentally yelling at myself to change it. This part was always going to be part of the story so I have to keep it in. PLEASE DON'T HATE ME! I promise, promise, PROMISE there is a happy and smutty ending to this. Now, without a further a due... Enjoy :)


I love the Hatter.

I can't stop thinking the words. "I love the Hatter," apparently my mouth can't stop the words either. I've been telling myself this all night.

"Yes, Alice. You do! You remember, that's great," Emiliza says annoyed.

But I ignore her because this is a life changing realization. I love Tarrant completely. He's the only person in my life that I could trust with a hundred percent of myself. The one person in all of Underland that believed who I was, before I even knew. He's the first person I've opened up to completely. The first and only person I've let myself think about romantically despite all my negative reactions to the account of marriage.

And he loves me back.

I can't stop the smile that grows on my face and quite frankly I don't want to. He's perfect for me. We will never stop being ourselves and I'll never have to worry about him running off to another. I'll never have to worry about him being like Hamish or Lowell.

I'm in love with the Hatter.

I'm in love with Tarrant Hightopp.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it! You love him. He's perfect, and muchy, and blah, blah, blah." Emiliza wakes me of my happiness. Of course she wouldn't allow me to have one thing to be happy about. Ever since I came- scratch that- was dragged to her world, I've been nothing but sad and felt betrayed. Now I have something to be happy about. I have someone just a world away who completely and utterly loves me.

"Don't get to ahead of yourself Alice. We still have one more memory I would like you to visit." One more? What else could she possibly show me? Emiliza giggles cruelly and says, "Oh, Alice. Beautiful, Alice. It's time... to break that pretty heart of yours."

She slowly goes to grab my head, but I don't want this. She said she would break me, but I'm finally complete. I yell at her, "Stop! What do you mean! Don't touch me!"

I don't want this. I don't want this.

But I don't get to decide. She grabs onto my head, and for the briefest second I swore she looked upset about it. Imagine that.

Imagine that.


Imagine if everyday could be like today? The birds are singing and the butterfly's are buttering. Literally, I watched them butter themselves. I never stopped to look around at all the incredibly things we have in Underland. I've only lived here my whole life!

Though, eighteen isn't quite old. I've meet a caterpillar once that says he's about 1,000,000,000 years old. Absolem I think his names was. Though the day I met him, I wasn't entirely focused on the funny blue caterpillar. I was focused on the pretty dark haired lass behind him. 

Lilith Swindle.

The most beautiful girl that's ever lived in Underland. She is attractive in all ways but one. The one is that she only has eyes for one person. A shoe salesmen son. But that day, where I was talking to Absolem about everything besides the obvious, she had eyes for me.

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