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After the amazing morning Alice and me had together, we decided to head over to the ongoing tea party. Truth be told, I didn't want to get out of bed. I wanted to keep Alice wrapped in my arms and never let her go.

I can't describe this feeling I'm having. I've never had this feeling. It's like a door has opened and I'm finally able to see the world for how it is. Like, I'm finally able to do and feel everything I've always wanted to. Feeling physically and romantically complete, I would describe that as. Having all your dreams come true in one single day, is another. I would never be able to have this complete feeling with another.

Alice is my everything.

She was before, but there was always something missing. Maybe it was the truth on my part... but now that the truth is out there. Now that the truth is compatible with her truth, I never want to feel any less complete again.

Alice completes me.

While we were cuddling just moments ago, Alice insisted that she definitely needed bath and it would be nice to see the March Hare and Mallymkun again. So of course, I comply to my Alice's wishes. I just didn't let her do either request alone.

As we walk hand-in-hand down the hill, I see my two longest friends running around the table. Their throwing dishes and yelling about tea almost always. Mallymkun is running around the table knocking over plates. March Hare is standing on a chair and has just picked up a tea pot. Probably to throw. Okay, most likely to throw.

When we finally get close enough, the March Hare spots us. He stops mid-throw of the tea pot. He lets go of the tea pot and I hear it break onto the ground. "Alice!" He yells then runs right into her.

Alice falls onto the ground and lets go of my hand with the March Hare's attack. He's wraps around her waist with his arms, and legs while Alice is laughing the whole time. She pays no mind to the rabbits tomfooleries and pats his head.

When they finally separate he hopes back to his seat and we go to the other end of the table to sit in our seats. I'm at the head and Alice is to my right. Always at my right. The seat only allowed for her to sit in.

As I pour my Alice her tea, I look to Mallymkun. She her head bowed and is holding her tail in her small hands. Alice must of saw the same thing because she asks, "Mally whats wrong?"

Mallymkun kicks the table with her small mouse foot and reply's, "I'm guessing it's my turn now, is it?" When she finishes explaining her reason for being down, it all clicks into place. She thinks Alice is here to talk to her next. Word really does travel fast around Underland. Though, Alice said she marked everyone off her list and I remember Mallymkun was once not so fond of her either. I'm surprised Mallymkun wasn't on her list. Mallymkun always did have a sour look on her face when speaking about Alice. This of course changed long ago, but who knows what that small head of hers came up with.

Alice then explains, "Actually Mally, I never saw your memories."

Mallymkun and I look at Alice in surprise. Mallymkun is the one to ask, "You didn't? But I... we were... I don't..."

Mallymkun couldn't wrap her head around it, and honestly neither could I. "Emiliza never showed me any of your memories because I already knew what I would see. I knew there was a time you didn't quite like me. I also have already forgiven you for that a long time ago."

Alice smiles at Mallymkun and she smiles back at her. There was nothing left to be said but, "Okay! Time for tea!" And that was the end of it.

We talk about everything there is to talk about. How Mallow Marsh is opening up tomorrow. How Alice missed the tea parties, the best ones in Overland I might add, and how's she's going to be staying just because of them. Though I know the truth.Alice is staying for me. Of course she loves all her friends, but she has me to love her more than anything else in the universe.

As our tea party goes on I can't help myself, but stare at her. Stare at my beautiful Alice. Each time she laughs at our friends antics, I smile to myself. I smile to myself because I see the perfect women for me. I now believe that I deserve good things. I deserve to have a perfect person like Alice in my life. I still don't believe I deserve Alice in the way I have her in my life, but I'll be damned if anyone tries to take her away from me again.

Ericiza is still out there and there's a chance that may happen again. Alice is always going to be a target for Underland because she's our champion, but she's still also loved by many Underlandians. I will not let her be taken away again. I will not let her be taken away from me ever again.


I know this chapter is very short, but I'm slowly trying to wrap up the story and want it to be in Alice's POV. There is another book after this one that I'm currently working on. I'll put more information about it after I post the last chapter of this book, along with the recommended music playlist. I hope you liked what I wrote and if you did please comment and like the chapters that were your favorite! I love hearing from you guys and it truly inspires me to keep writing. Now, without any further a due... Enjoy the last chapter of Underland's Madness Unlocked.

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