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Ericiza is gone. Vanished, disappeared, gone. Leaving us all with a promise. A promise that he will be back. He will we back with purpose and he wants that purpose to go through.

But I don't have time to think about that. As much as it is alarming to know, theres someone else I care about more. I stand up and run to Alice as fast as I can. She's must of fell at some point because she is now laying on the ground unconscious. I gently pick her body up so she can lay comfortably in my arms. I put my ear to her mouth to make sure she's still breathing. I feel her breath against my ear and sigh with relief. I look back at her face and study every inch of her completion.

Still my beautiful Alice.

I get distracted by the sound of crying so I look up. I turn to look in the direction of the crying and see it's Emiliza. She's kneeling on the floor and crying into her hands. She's repeating, "What have I done? What have I done?" over and over again into her hands. It maybe be muffled, but everyone in the room can hear her clearly.

I feel the madness over whelm me and grit my teeth. How dare she cry? She caused ALL of this. She ruined my Alice's mind and left us all to deal with the mess. I stand from my place on the floor and begin walking to the door. I can't listen to her sorrows anymore. All I want is Alice to stay far away from HER. Before I exit from the castle, I feel a hand on my arm. I turn around to see it's Mirana.

I breath a sigh of relief, it's not Emiliza trying to apologize for something I will never forgive. I turn fully around to show her Alice. Mirana moves her hands to Alice's head and closes her eyes. I feel a tingling sensation in my arm that Alice's head is laying on. After a few seconds, Mirana lowers her hands and opens her eyes. She doesn't look happy. "It seems she's beyond magical repair. Only Alice can unlock the madness now." I nod my head and tell her my thanks. I was about to leave again, but she stops me again. "I'll be by again later to help with her."

I look to the direction of Emiliza on the floor still crying then back to Mirana. I'm not blind to what was between Emiliza and Mirana. It maybe one sided, but Emiliza needs Mirana to help her now. I would rather only have one problem to worry about then two quiet frankly. "Don't worry about it, your majesty. It seems you have other problems to solve at the moment."

This also includes the one about Ericiza.

Mirana looks to Emiliza then nods her understanding. I turn back around and continue my plan to bring Alice home. Bring Alice back to my home.

When we arrive to my home, I very much did rush, I lay Alice onto my bed. She hasn't woken up yet, but I believe she will soon. What will I say to her? What can I say to her? I have a feeling she's seen more then just my thoughts of loving her. There's no way just one of my memories can break her like she is right now.

After an hour of just staring at her sleeping body, and trying to cox her awake she finally wakes up. She stares right at the ceiling and doesn't move a muscle. The only reason I knew she woke up is because I was looking at her lashes. Studying the small, yellow hairs sprouting from her eye lids.

I say to her, "Hello Alice." But I get no response. "We've finally got you back. You've finally returned to us." No response again. I swallow and think about something better to say. Anything to wake her from the madness. "I know you've been through a lot, but once you come back to us, with your mind I mean, we can go anywhere you like. We can have tea anywhere you would like. On the Marshmellow's of Mellow Marsh or, or in the Meadow of Living Flowers though I know you don't like them very much, or-"

I stop myself from continuing when I realize she hasn't moved. She probably isn't even listening in her state of mind right now. I may have been babbling my madness, and if Alice was in her right mind she would have stopped me. Like she always does. Because she knows me. She would have stopped me because she knows me so well. This Alice is hollow, stuck in her own head.

Underlands Madness Unlocked [ Alice x Hatter ] B1Where stories live. Discover now