Bloody Bitch

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Please Hatter, find me soon.

Hatter, I'm scared. Hatter, I'm alone. Hatter, I'm frightened!

Please find me.



I slowly open my eyes to see I was only dreaming. My dream felt so real. I dreamed about Alice being stuck in a hole and calling out to me. Each time I tried to grab for her, the hole would get deeper.

I look up into the sky, not the bright blue Underland's sky though, the prison worlds version of a sky. A fog of clouds stretching for miles. I start to sit up, but get a searing headache and fall back down onto my back.

"You alright, my boy?" Did I just hear my father? No, that's nonsense. This headache must me worse then I thought. I'm still looking at the gray sky until a person's face pops up in front of it. This isn't just any person though, Its my father.

I sit right up again, almost hitting my father's head in the process, and start quickly questioning everything, "Why are you here? When did you get here? You shouldn't be here. We left you over at the gate and we had a fight. You shouldn't be here. I should be here. We should of already been at the prison by now and-and if we're here that means we wasted a great deal of time-"

"Hatter!" Mallymkun yells to stop me.

I breath in my nose and nod her my thanks, but just because I spitted out a trolly full of madness doesn't mean my questions aren't real questions. I go to question then again, slowly this time, but my father already has an answer, "Chessur and Mallymkun came back and got us. You fell through a hole in the ground and they didn't have the ability to get you up."

I look around to see the bandersnatch is also here. I also see Mallymkun and Chessur looking extremely guilty. They know I didn't want them to come back, they were there when my father and I got into a fight about it. Still, the reason they got them here is understandable. I smile at the guilty pair and tell them, "It's alright my friends. I don't blame you for this."

They both sigh in relief. I look over to the bandersnatch next. He's currently licking his paw and breathing heavily out of his mouth. "I forgive you too, friend."

When I look back to my father, he sends me a closed smile. "My boy, I know you want to do right by Alice and get her back as soon as possible-" I look down guilty for the claim my father is making. "But that doesn't mean you have to rush around and get hurt in the process."

"I would if I have to," the words leave my mouth before I could think about them.

My father nods his understanding but continues anyway, "When you make a hat, do you always finish within five minutes?"

"Well, no. But somethings I can make-"

"Tarrant," My father interrupts so I stay on topic.

I swallow down the jabber that's just itching to come up. "No, I can't father."

"Exactly, my boy. If it's a hat you care about, you take your time with it. Care for it. Make sure that hat gets everything it needs before you send it out to be worn." I understand what my father is saying. He's comparing a hat to the journey we're taking to get back Alice, but Alice is more then just a hat. She's the finest hat that's ever been made. The finest creation that's ever been given to Underland... and she's been taken.

Taken by thee' bloody black witch.

I breath all the air I can get into my nose and blow it by rippling my lips. After a few moments, I finally reply to my father, "Okay father. I understand." We smile at each other. Thank Underland this fight didn't go on as long as our last one. The last one lasted for years. I finally got my family back, and I'm not losing them again.

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