7 - A Mark To Death

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Following the previous chapter...

Chester hugs me so tight, like he's so desperate to hold me. But, I am afraid. Why did he say that I may never see him again? I struggle, trying to get out of his arms.

"Please, Angela. Can we spend some time like this?", he said, maintaining his tight hug.

I flush. How many times will I turn pink today? "J-Just. Don't hug me too tight?"

"O-Oh, yeah.". He adjusts his strength, but still hugs me. He's hugging me like a child who found his missing mother. I can't feel love through his body. Unlike Jason's hug from me, there were no feelings transporting to me.

It was a plain hug.

A friend to friend. Not a lover's hug. I knew something was wrong.

I pushed him away from me, as he stumbled backwards. I looked down, feeling bad for what I did to desperate Chester.

"W-What's wrong?", he said, full of fear and surprise.

I looked at him. Full of courage, I said, "I might also say the same to you."

He frowned. A large frown. He shook his head. "Please, let's not talk about this."

He walked towards me, but I took steps away from him.

"Let's talk about it.", I said. He replies after.



He kept on walking forward. Of course, I took a step back. I glance at my back, near at the corner.

"Angela. Please.", he pleads.

"No. Tell it to me, now."

I walked back again, but now, I tripped at some block and fell backwards. Oh hell, I'm hopeless. He took advantage and went near me.

"Don't!", I shouted, wanting him away from me. A desperate liar.

"H-Hey, I won't hurt you.", he calmly said. And it was terribly annoying. Well, you know, it's a very awkward situation for me. I was lying in the ground, looking at him. Chester? Well, he is going near me.

It's like he's going to do something mean, you know what I mean.

A desperate, perverted, cat liar.

I stood up fast, and shoved him away. "Get away!" He fell to the ground, as I make my way to the exit. Then, I ran.

"Angela!". He shouted from afar, but I still hear him clear.

I just ran fast, ignoring him. So far, he's the worst person or animal I've ever met. Well, I mustn't be describing him like that at all. Why?

Since it'll be the last time I'll see him.


It was night time, and I'm still out. Well, I ran out of the fourth floor as fast as I can. Then, I left the house. I plan to return right now, but I really don't want to see Chester's face.

I'm a really sensitive person. If one does something bad to me, I'll hate them. Tiny mistake or a big one, I'll hate them. Maybe because I trust them too much. Too easily, I guess. Once I declare someone as a friend or maybe an acquaintance, I'll trust them. A lot.

Silly me.

Interrupting my thoughts, Jason appeared in front of me. "Hey."

Surprised, I just replied, "Hi."

It was awkward for the both of us. I don't know why he won't start a normal conversation like the both of us do every single day. I wonder.

Finally, he said something. "Did Chester.. I mean, did you see him today?"

He said it very nervously, cautious for his use of words. Well, I also replied that way. "Yeah, surprised me."

He gulped. "Did he.. Do something to you?"

I tilt my head. "What?"

"Did he do something to you which you don't like?"

I thought for a while. Did I dislike his hug? I only disliked one thing he did. Lied. To. Me.

"Yes. I think he did."

He held my shoulders, tight, and stared at me, worried. "Like what?!", he shouted.

How sweet. "He just hugged me, that's all."

Expecting him to go wild and stuff like that, he just replied to me calmly, "Where did he touch you?"

I snapped. "Touch? I said, he just hugged me, and, why do you ask me this?" I think I was annoyed by his sound-wrong question.

"S-Sorry.", he looked down, and released me. He looked at me again, and said, "Rephrasing, where did his hands touch your skin when hugging?"

I wonder on why he needs to know that. I sighed and tried to think of the memory again. He hugged me, and I felt his warm hands in my... "Back. Lower back."

Jason stared at me blankly. After a while, he talked, "Let me look at your back."

I flush. "W-What?!"

"Angela, please. I won't do something bad and all.", he blushed a little. Cute.

"O-Okay. I trust you." I started unbuttoning the red dress I wear. It was not the dress I was wearing in the castle, but a new simple red dress given to me by Nikka. It's plain red, and it's pretty simple.

Of course, he was not looking at me. He has his back on me. Yeah.

"H-Here.", I stuttered, nervous of his reaction about my naked back.

"Y-Yeah.". He's nervous too.

He turned and touched my back gently. I moaned a little, feeling a little ticklish. "Sorry."

I nod in return, as he continues his travel. He reached the lowest part of my back, as I heard him swear.

He's mad?

I stood up, buttoning everything. After I finished, I asked him calmly, "Why?"

He ran his fingers through his hair, and sighed. "You have it."

"What?", I asked curiously.

"That mark. Chester gave it to you." He clicked his tongue after.

"What does it mean?"

"He.. Invited you to the front seat." A play? Show? Event? What is it?

"To what?"

He swallowed hard, as he finally said, "To his execution, Angela."

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