13 - Saving Her

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Aiming for the target, it was definitely hard a fine shot. Aim for the friggin' apple, Angela. It's hard to keep reminding myself with all the frigging concentration I have on that apple.

"Do you want some help, milady?" A voice whispered in my ear, scaring the hell out of me. I quickly turn back just to see a handsome butler smiling at me.


"I'm Dominic." He smiles at me. Seriously, there is no one in this castle which lets my guard down. He's supposed to be handsome, but I can't help but look at him like he's scary.

I wonder why.

"Do you want some help with you archery?" He asks me rather politely as he reached out an outstretched hand to me. It was certainly kind, but...

Boy. Did I see a small grin on the corner of his lips.

"I'll have to decline." I smile at him, taking a cautious step back. Sadly, he took a step forward, like he was taunting me.

"Milady, you need immediate lessons." He charged at me without hesitation as he gave the first blow.

I quickly pulled out my hidden dagger and tried to hit him. Why was he attacking? Orders?

That freaking king.

I swung my dagger, given by Jason. He said to use this if someone just charged at me. Exactly right.

Wounding him a bit on the face, he got a lot angrier than before. He doesn't like his face injured, huh?

I took several punches from him as he took several cuts from me. It was fun, but this has to end. I pushed him down, targeting his neck for immobilizing him.

He wouldn't move this time.

"You mad at me?" I utter between my heavy pants as he grins back.

"I thought you were like the weak Alice like before. It was an easy kill for the Spade." He laughs. Doesn't he know that I'm a lot stronger than my father?

"Well, now, it's easy for me to kill you." I shifted the knife closer, filled with passion in killing him. Beheading him. "Or the King. Or the trump card." I smile at him.

He frowns and glared at me. I like his potential. The hope oozes from his eyes. The hope of killing the Heart's Alice. But, I won't die easily.

Not like what happened to Dad.

"You want me to finish you, or live longer?" I ask him flatly. It's not that I want him to live. But, I had the feeling I'm being tested.

"Finish me." He utters.

"Are you sure, Dominic?" I ask him once more, raising the dagger I have. Let's make him see the other side.

He looked at me blankly as I felt sharp pain in my back. It deeply hurts as I felt the blackness devouring every but of my vision.


"She won't escape this kingdom." A voice echoes in my mind. My head hurts too much to think who said that.

"No! She's ours!" A very familiar voice did I hear. Such a voice I dare would not forget.

"Angela." A whisper echoes in my ears. Wait, I know this voice.


"Hey." He helps me up as soon as he saw me awake. His voice was really gentle, I nearly thought he was Jason.

"W-Why...?" I ask him, dizziness still fuzzing in my mind.

"Jason is just outside. I snuck here as a freaking rabbit." He reassures me. What. Where am I clearly?

"Where are we?" I asked Philip as he told me the story.

"The King had some hidden intention. I apologize for not noticing it earlier." He sorrowfully looks at me, as I motioned him to continue.

"He didn't want you to win the games. There was something wrong with him, he also locked you up in this jail." He points to our surrounding and yup. It surely looks like a jail.

"Anyways, let's get you outta here." He smiles as he forcefully pushes some cake in my mouth.

"W-What ish dish fur?!" My muffled question was too late. I turned to a man.

Once again.

"I'll disguise you as a soldier and--"

"I could just teleport the three of us to the Heart kingdom. Or maybe to the barn. Lisa's still there." I suggested to him, fixing my clothes.


"My horse." I looked at him like he's a huge idiot.

"Oh." A wave of realization passes through him. He suddenly grabbed my hand as he smiles. "Then, let's see this teleportation you're sayin'!"

I closed my eyes as I imagined the three of us together in this little jail room. A bit later, I imagined the three of us in a barn filled with livestock.

And there we go.

"You have no right to take her!" Jason shouts at the hill of haystack. We can't help but laugh at the man who was really worried at me.

"Angela. Oh god. Are you okay?" He worriedly asks me. I just kissed him in return.

"Never better." I smile at him as he carried me to Lisa carefully. We ready ourselves for the kingdom I miss so much.

The Hearts Kingdom.

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