3 - In One Minute

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Following Margaret, I kept on wondering. Thinking on what move I have done wrong.

Why am I in this situation?

I turned into a guy, instead of getting smaller or bigger. Jason and White Guy are twistedly odd, it's like Jason is Tweedle Dee plus Mad Hatter, the White Guy is like Tweedle Dum plus White Rabbit. Nikka's the caterpillar, I'm sure. Margaret's the Queen of Hearts.

So, who am I?

In one minute, the world shifted to such a world I can't describe. A red world.

I entered such a place, I think I do not belong.

"Dear, I would like you to wear this. Now?", Margaret said to me, as she handed a rosy red tux to me.

It was so formal, ancient. "A-Are you sure, Margaret?"

She giggles, and smiled at me, "Of course. You need to wear that."

"Need? Is it required?"

"Yes, it does. I may explain it to you inside the castle. Can I ask you to please wait a little longer?"

"A-Ah. Okay.", I stuttered, flushing in my clumsiness.

I went ahead to dress in a closed space I saw in the forest. Margaret's outside the closed place, so I felt safe.

Wearing the tux was terribly hard. Of course, I don't know how 'cause I'm a girl. But, I got a hang of it in the middle part, 'cause Margaret helped me. It was nice. I kept spinning around, liking the feeling.

I went out, and thanked Margaret.

"What are you saying, dear?", she tilted her head, not knowing.

I explained on what happened inside, and she gasped.

"We need to run!! No one must-"

"I saw you."

A man's voice was heard. I turned to see a purple haired man, but he was fair. He was outstandingly handsome too. Despite that...

He looks like a cat.

"Chester! Did you look at Gabby while dressing?!", Margaret shouted at him, mad and furious.

"Y-Yeah." he inverted his vision from her to the ground, flushing. "I'm sorry, your majesty."

"Don't go saying things, Chester."

He shifted his vision to me as he said, "Isn't he...?"

"No, no, he's not. Leave him.", as she shielded me.

"Margaret, who is he?", I asked, really curious about him.

"I'm Chester, I heard you are Gabriel, but I think you look like Alice. You ate it, didn't you?", he said.

Ate? Maybe it's the cake. "Y-Yes. I'm terribly sorry."

"No. It's lovely to meet you, dear. Oh hell, I need to go to Jason's place now.", he cursed himself on why he forgot.


"Let's go on, dear. Let's head to the castle.", Margaret said, as she held my hand.

I shook my head, and shrugged, "I'm sorry."


I hesitated, making me feel gay. "I want to see Jason now."

Chester and Margaret laughed in unison as they said, "He's dead."

Surprised, I didn't believe a thing.

"Can we NOW head to the castle, Alice?", Margaret said, ignoring Chester.

"Wait. First, I am NOT Alice. Second, why is Ja-" she held her hand up.

"Shut up. Follow me, and I'll answer your questions.", she sighed deeply. "Chester, leave. She might know."

Chester glanced at her, then at me. He waved bye as he left.



All I could think is him. Is he alright? Why did he disappear? Does he like 'Alice'? Well, that means, I have no chance at all. How sad.

We arrived in the castle, and it was bloody red.

"Take a seat, dear.", Margaret said.

I followed, as a maid went near me. "Would you like some coffee, sire?"

She was pretty. Were all the people here are this pretty and handsome? "Y-Yes, I would like some."

The maid left, and Margaret laughed at me. "You like her?"

I flush. "N-No! It's just that, she's so pretty."

She nodded, believing at my statement. "Yes, she is very pretty. So, let's talk about your questions now, shall we?"

"Y-Yes. We must."

"So, let's start." We both took a sip in our coffee, knowing that this may take long.

"Why am I here?", I started the conversation as soon as I settle the cup down.

"It's simply you found Nikka."

That answer made me curious. "What's Nikka to this world?"

"She's the caterpillar, the person who gives strength and wisdom to others. She's like our 'Wise Man'."

And, the reason I fell made sense. It's because I have a reason to go here, in this unknown place, not because I'm Alice. Let's continue.

"Why do others call me Alice, even though I'm not?"

She froze, hanging her cup mid-air. She stared blankly at me, like I don't know what I'm talking about.

"Because you are Alice."

"I told you I am not. If so, please clarify."

"Gabriel told me and Nikka. Maybe even Philip."

I cocked my head. "Philip?"

"Jason's twin. The really white guy."

Oh. Philip's his name. Going back, "Gabriel? My father?"

"Yes. Your beloved father. He was... The king of this land before me."

My jaw dropped. "Therefore asking, who is my mom?"

She froze once again, sighing after. "I don't know how to explain this dear. I might shock you if you hear this."

"N-No, it's just fine." Actually it's not. I'm scared. Is she dead? Is she alive? Who is mom? Is she the mom I've ever dreamed of?

"It's Kyla Margaret Liken, Kyla M. Liken. She changed the her middle name to 'Margaret', so you would think I am your mother."

There was a pause, so I took a sip. "So, what's her middle name?"

She looked down, and looked at me again. "E. Evan."

The way she looked at me was very doubtful. I bet m next question will knock her down.

"Who are you?"

She paled, as she dropped her cup. She must answer, or I will leave, an action she wouldn't like.

"Margaret Alice... Evan."

Congrats. I've got tangled now. Next question.

"Is Jason-", she held her hand.

"Let's rest first, okay?"

In one minute, I thought she was crying.

Angela in WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now