15 - Abducted Man

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Groggily waking up in the morning, shrugging every bond of my hair entangled in my shoulders. I've turned back into my girl phase, but whatever. I never wanted to wake up. No.

It's been two days since Jason hasn't come back. Philip doesn't seem to want to hear his brother's name in front of him. I resist the large urge to ask what did he hear from the horse.

I can't even think of anything anymore.

"Good morning," Nikka gives me a soft peck in the cheek, waking my sleepy soul. Her pecks are always so comforting. It lifts your souls to high spirits.

"Good morning," I reply back. She rushes to make breakfast for me even though I have no appetite.


His scent flows throughout the room. I miss him. He's always the one cooking breakfast for us; both Nikka and I.

I released a sigh as Nikka notices it.

"Are you worried about him?" She asks me carefully. Good thing she's nice to talk about these things.

I simply nodded in reply. I can't lie to her.

She pats my head comfortingly. "Philip is working at the castle, trying to work things out. He's secretly worried about him." She giggles, making it so contagious.

Suddenly, an idea popped into my mind. "Why not tell the castle for the news?! An important piece gone lost!" I exclaimed, secretly applauding myself for thinking a smart solution.

Yet, Nikka frowned.

"Angela, dear." She strokes my hair. "It's better if you don't."

"Why?" I said it like a small child asking her parents why they wouldn't give her some sweets.

She pushed a toast in my mouth as she kisses my forehead.

"Some things aren't meant to be know, right, Angela?"


I glanced at the window, wishing that there would be a man crawling to my window. There he stands, looking at me in one piece and hugging me like he longed for it.

I didn't notice I was crying really hard.

I want him back. He's the reason why I can move my feet towards my goal. He's the only one who can make my heart in one whole piece or break it into a thousand shreds.

Then, an owl appeared.

His beak held a letter. I was hesitant about taking it, but whenever I look at the owl, it stares at me like there's no tomorrow.

I held out my hand and took the letter from his tiny beak. He flew afterwards, leaving a single feather in my room.

Without hesitation, I now open the carefully-sealed letter and read the contents. There written:

Dear Alice,

I'm sorry for not coming in person but I have something-- or accurately speaking, someone,-- you want to have back. So, why don't you give us a short visit, alone? I really hope you consider because your pet is getting really annoying.


King of the Diamond



That man.

I crumpled the letter with anger as I hurried to get my bow and arrow. He can't hurt Jason. It's Jason, for sure.

Secretly borrowing an armor suit hidden in the depths of the attic, I have decided.

I will surely kick the king's ass.

My eyes closed rather slowly as I thought of my Jason, that wretched kingdom who stole my man.

Once I open them, I'll be there. For him and for the king's ass.

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