Chapter 4. Curious Idols

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Marco POV

Ahri: Now how about proper introduction?

Seraphine looks very tense whereas I'm just nervous. If this silence goes on for a second longer, I'm going to be more nervous.

Marco: Marco Martin.

Seraphine: A-and I'm Seraphine. P-please just c-call me Sera.

Ahri: Well as you 2 know, I'm Ahri.

Akali pushes off against the wall and raises her cap a little.

Akali: Sup, I'm Akali

Kai'sa: I'm K-Kai'sa.

Evelynn: Evelynn, darlings~.

Evelynn made me even more nervous considering she's been looking at me this whole time. I feel as if she's a tiger eyeing her prey before she pounces. I then notice Seraphine bouncing a little. Looks it's time.


She squeals like a little girl and starts asking for Autographs and Pictures. Thankfully they aren't annoyed by this but they could just be hiding it really well. I of course get some pictures but I don't get an autograph cause I'm not materialistic like that.

Sera: I can't believe I actually get to meet my idols. I've been taking lots of music classes and even maybe made my own cover of Pop Stars.....

Ahri: Really? Akali do we have a spare instrument in here she can use.

Akali: All we have is this guitar. Is that enough Sera?

Seraphine was clearly stunned that she got called by her nickname. I wasn't sure why but I don't have a nickname so I guess I shouldn't start comparing.

Sera: Y-yes! Absolutely!

She takes the guitar and takes a moment to tune it. This is a good opportunity for her to get some brownie points with the idols and I finally get to hear her sing. Y/N would never shut up about how good she is. This way I can confirm my own suspicion.

She takes a deep breath and starts playing her own cover of Pop-Stars.

Noting to self, never doubt Y/N on Seraphines music ever again. That was actually really good.

Evelynn: Impressive Sera. Not many artist we meet nowadays can hold a candle too you.

Sera: You really mean it?

Evelynn: Of course. Singing a song is more than just rhyming, sounding good and looking amazing. It's the emotions you let out during the song and I felt yours perfectly. I'm sure everyone else did as well.

The other idols agree on her. Now here comes the part I knew that was going to happen even without foresight.

Sera: Thank you all. The only one who ever believed me on that was Y/N.

Evelynn: Your boyfriend?

Sera: W-what! N-n-n-o, we're nothing like that!

I chuckle at this but then remembered this would cause me to get the spotlight. I wish I wasn't so stupid at times. All the girls look at me, their curiosity shining to me like a blinding beacon that I wish I could casually ignore.

Akali: What's so entertaining Marco?

Shit, I need to think of a response that'll get them off me. Ah, man I have to go threw with this route? I hate having Foresight sometimes.

Marco: What she says is quite true. Y/N may not be a good singer but he found a way to let his passion flow. This came in the form of dancing.

Kai'sa's head popped upward like a dog hearing their owner with a candy wrapper.

Kai'sa: He dances?

Marco: Yep, in his free time though since he's always busy but when he does dance, it's almost always with Seraphine.

I only knew that cause he told me so. Just saying it as I heard it now please get off my back.

Sera: He actually let me go to the concert. I figured Marco would've chose him over me but Y/N is a pretty selfless person. He said if he had won the Raffle, he'd give it too one of us.

Marco: Me specifically cause he knew whoever got the ticket would spend all day with you 4 tomorrow.

Ahri: He sounds like a really great guy.

Akali: Probably a good boyfriend too....

Akali whispered that but Ahri clearly heard that cause she scowled at her. Least I know not to bring that up tomorrow.

Marco: Speaking of tomorrow. Seraphine, would you like to go in my stead?

Sera: Huh?

Marco: You'd probably get more out of the trip than me.

Sera: Can he even do that?

Evelynn: No can do darling. His name is on the ticket and there are rules we have to follow.

Marco: Blast....

Kai'sa: D-do you not want to spend time w-with us?

Marco: I'm okay with it but I'm not exactly the type of guy to do much. I'm either face down in a book, social media or just being a buzz kill so I wouldn't want to waste your time.

Ahri: I'm sure there's something you want to do.

I see Evelynn glancing at me. I knew that glance all too well. She's going to suggest I take them to meet Y/N. Akali will recognize him as the Man of Light if he doesn't give it away in the first minute and Kai'sa will want too see how well he dances.

Evelynn: You could always take us too meet this Y/N person. I'm sure Kai'sa would be very interested in meeting him.

Kai'sa: Eve!

Evelynn just chuckles at Kai'sas blush. Even though she still asked, it felt kinda rude to force me to show them to Y/N, was I really that uninteresting after what I said. I don't mind, I just didn't expect to get shot at so quickly. I do have to wonder, what is Y/N up to right now? You can never tell with him at this time of the day.

Meanwhile in another part of Piltover...


I was chasing some speedster thief threw out the city. Caitlyn informed me of a missing item from the Museums Gallery. Apparently it was a blue Emerald said to contain the power of Chaos. I don't really buy that cause if that was the case, why put it in a museum? Anyway, this guy was pretty fast all things considered.

I move pretty quickly but I had a limit. My power is Light Control, not Light Speed though thanks to Light Control, I do have some speedster like capabilities.

Speedster: Haha! You'll never catch me running at that speed! I'll make you eat my dust!

He speeds up and 'leaves me in the dust' but he was rather predictable cause we've basically been running in a square for the past 3 minutes. I wish I could record what I'm about to do cause this is one for the books. I stopped, turned around and held my fist out. Exactly a second later he runs directly into it and flies threw the air, cutting several flips.

He lands on a car, severely damaging it and himself. Before he could recover, I put my hand on his right leg and began to burn it. He can't run if his legs don't work but I'm against causing too much violence like breaking bones so I usually leave them with some burns.

With that out of the way, I quickly return the Emerald to its place in the Museum and then back to the speedster who unsurprisingly trying to get away. I chop him on the neck, knocking him out cold. If only he used these powers for good. The world could always use more heroes after all.

I throw him over my shoulder and make a quick run back to the PLE Precinct where the girls already have a cell for him. Jinx slaps on a power-damping collar on his ankles and closes him in the cell.

Caitlyn: Another job well done. First the Highmaul gang and now a Speedster. You must be looking for something extra today.

Y/N: Please don't start that again...

Caitlyn: It's still funny.

Y/N: I did not know you and Vi were a thing okay!

Jinx: They aren't the only thing you know.

Y/N: Wait what?

Vi: She's in on it too.

I look at Jinx and her smug expression. I asked Caitlyn out on a date cause I was really curious on the dating thing but as it would turn out, she was already dating Vi. This caused some problems for me as Vi now has a general disliking for me and I started questioning being in a relationship cause I really didn't like the feeling of rejection.


I fired out a ball of light that nearly hit Caitlyn and burned a hole straight into the wall. This terrified the girls for a second until they were all angry, especially Vi.

Vi: Think you can aim any better you shit eating monkey!?

Y/N: First off, why are you always calling me monkey? And second, that was so sudden I had no time to react. Someone specific must be talking about me while I'm not around.

Jinx: Bets on Marco. He totally just told the K/DA girls about you.

Y/N: I wouldn't be surprised and I can't say that I care.

Caitlyn: I need to check in with Eve sometime. See how she and the girls are doing sometime.

Y/N: You know her?

Caitlyn: Middle School friends. Now it's 8:30 PM, aren't you suppose to be somewhere?

Y/N: Nope, not tonight. Sera's with Marco at the concert so I can work a little longer.

Caitlyn: Fine by me, just don't expect a bigger paycheck.

Y/N: I never do.

Caitlyn: And that's why I like having you around. Never bothering me about a raise.

Y/N: Seems pointless considering I get donations from people I've helped.

Vi: Don't you normally return them though?

Y/N: If I can. Sometimes they refuse to take it ba-a-a-a- ACHOO!!

I fired another sphere and aimed directly away from the girls but I end up hitting a desk with a lot of paperwork on it, shredding the papers to pieces and destroying a good bit of the desk.

Needless to say, the girls were furious. Especially the cop that was sitting there.

Y/N: Oops....?

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