Chapter 77. Chasing Horrors

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Seraphine POV

???: Wakey wakey girl.

A sharp pain goes across my face and I'm jerked awake. My eyes are met with a pair of glowing green ones. The demon in front of me laughs in a seductive manner.

???: Beautiful eyes. Can't wait too see how my magics fare with you.

Seraphine: W-who are you? What do you want with me?

???: Sheesh, calm down. If all humans are like you then why Evelynninye chooses to stay with you is a mystery I am eager to solve. To answer your questions, I am Runu, Lead Magi-Demon to the Void Lord Elga Masquerade. Why you are here is simple.

Seraphine: Simple how?

Runu: As you probably figured out, we're after the woman you call Evelynn. With you here, that means she has no choice but too come out. We don't how strong a connection you hold to her but the Wraith said it was best choice overall. Something to do with your friend, the Man of Light?

Seraphine: Y/N...?

Runu: So that is his name. Kinda cute if you ask me.

I don't know why but that really boiled my blood. The way she talks is filled with nothing but superiority. I tried to move but I found out my hands were chained above my head. I look behind me and see nothing but a wall. My ankles were also chained to it. Runu laughs and grips my chin with her red skinned hand.

Runu: I like that look in your eyes. The depression. The desperation. Its a shame that we were told to leave you unharmed. That doesn't mean I can't pleasure myself.

Seraphine: What do you-

She keeps her hand on my chin and slides the other one to the back of my head and pulls me into a kiss. Utterly dominating me. No matter how much I fought back, I couldn't get away. This wasn't how I wanted my first kiss to go. Tears begin to well up in my eyes as she removed her hand from my chin and slithered it down my body. Drawing circles over my lower regions. Not only am I being violated by a demon, I'm also losing air. She begins to giggle into the kiss and pulls back, trailing a string of saliva.

Runu: So~. That's a how a Succubus feels~. I might have to keep you.

Seraphine: Why....

Runu: Why? Simply put, I'm sex deprived. My master refuses to take me so I need something to stimulate my senses.

Seraphine: That..... sounds like something Eve would say....

Runu: Well she is a Succubus. It makes sense...

Seraphine: But she's different from you...

Runu: Hmm?

Seraphine: She gave up that life to chase something more... Something you can't just take.

Runu: And what would that be?

Seraphine: Love...

Runu: Love? What's there to love about this ball of dirt and stone?

Seraphine: You wouldn't understand.

She looks me in the eye, a single eyebrow raised. She then leaves me all alone in this room. I couldn't help but cry now.

Seraphine: Y/N... Where are you...?

Akali POV

We've been at the PLE Precinct for about 25 minutes now and Y/N still hasn't shown up. AJ chased after him but we haven't heard from him either.

Vi: Urgh! He is in so much trouble when he gets here!

Ahri: Who?

Vi: BOTH OF THEM!! Y/N never goes rushing off like that and AJ isn't responding on comms.

Evelynn: Look, right now we need to focus on finding where Sera was taken. The boys can handle themselves.

Caitlyn: Camille, are you able to track the transformer?

Camille: Negative chief. We have no leads to their locations.

Jinx: They had to take her to somewhere in Zaun. They don't have anywhere else to go.

???: That's what they want you to think.

We all look to the person entering the meeting room.

Ezreal: Jayce?

Jayce: We'll skip the pleasantries for now. I'll keep it short and sweet. My first order of business when I got back to Piltover was to create a Void Mana tracker. Mana Trackers are still in their prototype stages but they can still do what they're meant to do.

Caitlyn: And that is?

Jayce: Track Mana of course. Specifically, Feeders. Basically, my company is putting together a device that can track people. I don't think I need to explain how the Void version works. We get exactly one shot at using it.

Evelynn: What's the catch?

Jayce: It has to be used within a five mile radius. It works similarly to the tracking equipment you have here but its meant to track people, not signals from rifts. Lets not forget that Void Rifts are an enter and exit thing.

Camille: That's it!

She starts doing all kinds of stuff until she has a full map of Piltover and Zaun. There was only one spot on the map.

Vi: That's where me and AJ fought the two demons.

Jinx: And no other portal appeared in either city. Meaning they're either masking it or their outside of our detection range.

Camille: We can rule out the former. If they could mask them, they would've done it before.

Jayce: Which indicates they are outside the city. There are only two directions they could go. North and South. Unless they have an underwater base to either the east or west.

Another officer barges into the room.

Officer: Chief, AJs back with Y/N. He doesn't look too good.

We all look at each other before going over to the medical ward. What we saw was.... heartbreaking. Y/N was sweating like a maniac and tears were pouring down his face. He was shaking uncontrollably. AJ was currently at his side while medics were looking over him.

AJ: Come on man, what the hell happened out there!?

Y/N didn't answer. All he had was that same look in his eye when I found him at the lab. The difference this time was the red eyes. Anger burned inside of them while horror painted his face. Eve shoves the medics aside and forces him to look at her.

Evelynn: What happened?

He responds by letting out a cry and pulling her closer. She was quick to wrap her arms around him.

Y/N: It was him!

Akali: Him?

Y/N: The one who murdered her! The one her killed Trisha!

Just then it felt like the entire room got darker. The only thing that was clearly visible was those golden eyes. Evelynn. Was. Pissed.

Y/N: I couldn't stop him...! He was too strong...! And I abandoned Sera...!

Evelynn: You didn't abandon anyone Y/N.

Oh, she used his name! You knew someone was about to get killed when she uses anything names like that. She then looks to me.

Evelynn: You stay here and watch him and Ahri. Kai'sa, you better make a damn decision on whether or not you're staying or going. Everyone else is coming with me.

AJ: Y-yes ma'am...

Ezreal: No questions here ma'am....!

Jayce: Then its decided then. We'll check south first.

They all start heading out while I take Y/Ns side with Ahri. His expression never changed. Ahri combs through his hair with her nails, soothing him a little.

Y/N: I.... I never thought that....

Akali: Stop thinking about it. The more you do the harder you make it for yourself.

Ahri then pulls me over and whispers.

Ahri: We need to go and help them but I'm afraid of leaving him behind like this. Think you can handle it?

Akali: Handle it how?

She doesn't answer, she only holds up a small item. I immediately blush, seeing that it was a pill I was all to familiar with. She winks at me before handing it over.

Akali: When and how?

Ahri: It doesn't matter.

She then pats Y/Ns head and he looks up to her. Thankfully he didn't hear any of that through his sobbing.

Ahri: Y/N dear, Akali needs to talk with you. Excuse me sir, is there somewhere they can talk privately?

Medic: Oh uh, yes but I think I should check his vitals a little more.

Ahri: There won't be any need. I can assure you.

Medic: We have a room in the back that you can use.

Ahri: Come on Y/N. Lets get you two back there.

Y/N: Okay...

We get up and she takes him to this back room while I take the pill. Once I join them, I saw no one was in it and thankfully there was a spot where the camera's couldn't see. Ahri stands at the entrance and winks at me. I take Y/N over to this spot and sit him down.

Y/N: So what do you need to...

Akali: Listen. If things don't go the way we hope.... I don't want to be the last one...

Y/N: Last one...?

Akali: You're having problems with your emotions and.... You said you needed to thank me...

At first he looked confused then realized what I was saying. He gulped and nodded. I'm really sorry Y/N but I have to make sure you don't leave this room awake.

Logan: Final Lemon. This may be a little forced but Y/N has so little role left to play in this arc since this will primarily focus on the K/DA Girls as a whole rather than him. You'll understand later.

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