Chapter 15. Ionia Beach Trip

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The limo was pretty cool. Just gonna mention that now cause this Private Jet is even better! It has everything the limo has but this thing actually has the jacuzzi. Not to mention the bathroom. I really don't want to know where the poop goes when you flush.

Marco: You're like a kid in a castle whenever you see expensive stuff like this.

Y/N: I can't help that it all looks cool. My instincts tell me to explore while I still have a chance!

Marco: Least I'll have my regular entertainment on this trip. Hey, Ahri. How long did you say this trip would be?

Ahri: This'll be going till Wednesday.

Marco: Thank god the graduation ceremony isn't until the Monday after this week.

Y/N: It really happening that late? Figured they would've done it on Friday.

Marco: I'm glad they ain't. I gotta visit my parents that day.

Y/N: Oh.......

Marco isn't exactly on good terms with his parents. I try to avoid chats about them as much as possible but sometimes Marco has to talk about it. No doubt cause talking can help if you do.

Marco: Hey, at least they aren't berating me for being a powerless. That's the line they aren't willing to cross for some reason.

Akali: What's it like being a powerless?

Marco: Well considering the Y/N we have abroad this ship of misfits, not awful. Without him it'd probably be hell.

Ahri: You know, they are doing experiments in trying to help Powerless obtain powers.

Marco: Yeah, that's probably not gonna work. The procedure is too dangerous to use on just anybody and even if it worked, it probably wouldn't be permanent. Might just look into getting me some items for self-defense.

Ahri: We can help with that. The Mall has a floor that only VIPs can access. We happen to be just the people.

Eve then walks into the room.

Eve: Darlings. We'll be landing in Ionia in just a few minutes. Make sure you have everything before we get off.

We all immediately get our bags ready and wait for landing. Sera has always wanted to visit Ionia ever since she didn't get to go on the field trip with the Elder Dragon incident. Feels a little overkill to go to a beautiful place like Ionia for a few days for a simple beach visit but who knows, maybe the girls have something planned. The jet finally lands and we take our first step onto Ionia. This place could best be described as the the heart of nature. Just about everything you see in a modern city was mixed with nature here. The Hotel we're staying at is an enormous tree. With careful magic construction, the hotel looks quite normal for a tree. Honestly it's more like a private getaway you'd see in a TV show of sorts. A very special private getaway. Not too say all of Ionia construct is mixed with nature. According to Akali, who just so happen to be a former Ionian resident, they have Korean style housing called Honaks in the mountains. Looking at the Private Jet now, it feels like we stepped into a whole new world. Piltover is considered a very modern region. Holy shit, I'm starting to sound like Marco. I'll be shocked if I don't end up being a graduate at this point. During my intense monologue, we were already in our room. It looked like a pretty modern condo, just more tree branches and natural life. It was honestly gorgeous.

Sera: How come you two never showed me pictures of this place!?

Y/N: Uh.... we...

Marco: We didn't take any.


Sera: Why not!?

Marco: This one had to be the "Hero of Ionia" for a day. An Elder Dragon was loose and he ended up killing it. According to Ionian law, that is pretty much the same case as murdering a human being. Luckily Ms. Foira was able to prevent our one and only hero from being imprisoned.

Sera: O-oh... I didn't know that was the case....

Y/N: It's alright. I'm just glad I was able to minimize human casualties. I'm not exactly one Monster Trainer you know.

Ahri POV

Akali: Look at those three go. Remind y'all of somebody?

Ahri: You mean us? Yeah.

Kai'sa: They certainly are inseparable at this point. I'm glad we were able to convince Marco to come.

Akali: Yeah, he really seemed like he didn't want to come. Thankfully Sera and Y/N know the Puppy Eye trick. When did you have time to teach them that?

Ahri: I didn't teach them anything.

Eve: If all you kids are done talking. Get changed into your swimwear. The beach was the main part of this trip and we got the best possible one.

Yep. Eve made sure we got the private beach for this trip. Money certainly wasn't a problem so she made sure to make the experience for the three amigos is the best. As we were walking down tot he beach, I took notice of everyone's outfits. Kai'sa wore a dark purple one piece that exposed a little cleavage, no doubt to try and compete us. Akali wore a blue two piece that looked more similar to sports wear. I wore a gold two piece with a see threw waist cloth. Eve certainly proved her taste in clothes was literally lacking. She wore a black two piece that exposed a lot of cleavage. Marco didn't really seemed to impressed whereas Y/N had a faint blush. Sera had a pink polka dot pattern one piece. What hit me as odd was the boys both wore a tight black shirt with blue swim trunks. Marco caught me staring.

Marco: It was his mothers idea. Since we're best friends, we gotta look the part.

Akali: Why wear the shirts then? I know Y/N is hiding something underneath~.

Y/N: Mmmm.........

Eve: Don't be shy darling~. I got us the private beach for a reason. Only we get too stare at you~.

Y/N: That doesn't make it better....

The poor boy couldn't hide his blush no matter how hard he tried. It only got worse when he noticed Sera giggling at his reaction. She's pretty much his wing man to this point and he clearly couldn't stand it but I could tell he was secretly enjoying it all. Once we get to the docks of the public beach, we hop on a cabin cruiser and to head to the private beach. This beach was a little out of the way and you can't get there on foot. Well, you can but that's not advised. When we arrive, the sight was breathtaking.

A/N: An actual Ionian Beach from my knowledge

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A/N: An actual Ionian Beach from my knowledge. There, you have learned something today.

Y/N: Wow.

Marco: This trip became worth it just off the scenery. If you live in Ionia, this is just another sight but for outsiders, this is amazing.

Eve: And this spot is all for us for the next few days. Lets enjoy ourselves.

Y/N: I ain't waiting on this boat to get to shore!

He quickly takes off his shirt and oh my god, I think I have a nose bleed! He was very well toned with his 6 pack, not too skinny but not to buff. Just perfect. He had a few scars on his body but that somehow only added to the sight. I could see the other girls had similar reactions. Kai'sa was blood red, Akali gave off a construction worker whistle and you can tell Evelynn was trying her best not to pounce on him right then and there. He quick tosses his shirt into his seat and dives into the waters like a professional.

Marco: If the oceans of the world had a pair of lips, I guarantee you Y/N would be making out with it on the regular.

Kai'sa: H-he loves the waters that much?

Sera: Absolutely. At one point he studied deep into Marine Biology. He secretly still does when he's not deep into his job or hobbies.

Eve: Noted~.

We eventually catch up to him on the beach and anchor the boat nearby. With my magic, I was able to levitate our supplies over the water and onto the sandy shore. I almost got distracted by Y/N since he was pretty much at the peak of human eye candy right now. If Eve doesn't get him soon, I defiantly will. Not sure if he knowingly made this hard for him or not but we'll see. For now we just had fun on the beach for the rest of the day.

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