Chapter 80. Desperate Developments

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I hear a pair of voices scream as flesh is torn. The splattering of blood echoes across this endless dark I see until I hear a a set of thuds. The image appears before me, a bloody Marco and Sona lying lifeless on the ground.


I scream as I jerk up from the bed I was on.

Medic: Sir, calm down!

Y/N: Where am I?

Medic: You're at the PLE Precinct sir. You've been out for a quite a bit.

Y/N: Where is everyone else? The K/DA girls and The chief.

Medic: They're out on a mission right now. No doubt something to do with those demons.

Damn it! And they still have Seraphine too. I doubt anyone here actually knows their location either. Maybe Camille but I'm fairly certain she's out too. I hop off the bed and notice that my lower area was a little wet. That's right, I had sex with Akali. Why did she milk me that much? Was she deliberately trying to knock me out? She should've just let me help. Wait, Ahri was in on this too. Before I could continue my thoughts, my phone started ringing so I pulled it out hoping for something good but to my surprise it was someone I haven't spoken too for a long time.

Y/N: Karthus?

I answer it and am immediately met with that familiar ominous laugh.

Karthus: Long time no see kid. You holding up well?

Y/N: If you're calling, I doubt I can give an answer that you'd believe. You never call for good things.

Karthus: Glad to hear you're still perceptive. Lucian gave me a call a little bit ago. Senna was acting up cause of an old enemy of his. Someone I use to work with.

Y/N: Old enemy? Wait a second...

Karthus: That's right kid. Thresh the Chain Warden.

My anger was now like a blinding force. The man.... No whatever that damn thing is took my sister away from me!

Y/N: Where. Is. He?

Karthus: Calm down there squirt. If you give in, you're only gonna give him what he wants.

Y/N: What he wants?

Karthus: He's after you and I'm sure you've felt it by now. That heart ache.

How would he know that? Wait, he said he use to work with him...

Y/N: You said you use to work with him...?

Karthus: Way before your grandparents times, yes. I did. I'm not proud of it either.

I've always been cautious about Karthus and the other two. Yorick and Mordekaiser. They all had this air of death around them but then again, they never looked friendly. Being a metal band didn't help either unless you're into that stuff.

Y/N: This heart ache you mentioned....

Karthus: He's already killed someone close to you. I reckon a few right now. Don't freak out just yet cause I've got a detail that'll be important too you.

Y/N: What is it...?

Karthus: When Thresh or any of his lackeys kill someone, they take their soul. Senna suffered this first hand. Lucian was able to bring her back though. So even if Thresh were to kill a few people, you can free them.

Oh thank god... I felt pretty relieved but that still doesn't clear up how I'm going to beat him. He basically schooled my ass and wasn't even trying.

Y/N: How many people can you bring back?

Karthus: All of them really. Only problem would be the suffering he's inflicted on them. Senna has bad PTSD from her time in the lantern. True Damage is on their way to Piltover as am I.

Y/N: And the rest of Pentakill?

Karthus: We're all off doing our own thing for the time before our comeback so it'll just be me. I've got a boat that can take us to the Shadow Isles but I'll warn you... Thresh is very strong and very smart. He wants something from you and will do everything to have it. Promise me you won't give in to his plans.

I wish I can make that promise but I got a bad feeling that if I do, I'll just end up breaking it. I better let him hear what he wants though. Otherwise I might not be able to help.

Y/N: I promise but don't be shocked if I end up breaking it. Just like how you broke yours.

Karthus: Still won't let that go huh? Don't worry, at our comeback concert, I'll see if Morde will give ya his guitar model.

Y/N: It had better be signed.

Karthus: Not a problem.

The call ends and it wasn't long before I had another bad feeling. The girls are off fighting demons and here I am being chased down by the monster that has haunted my family since before I was born. My vision goes red as all I'm left it is a burning hatred.

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