Chapter 76. Her Murderer

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You get one warning.
From here on out, things will be darker and more depressing.
We have one more Lemon in a couple of chapters. You're only reprieve until the end.

You have been warned.


So he's the guy. Defiantly what I would imagined killing Trisha. How many others though? He lets out low laugh. I get into my stance with my blade of light in hand.

???: Not even going to ask the name of your long time associate?

Y/N: The only thing I'll ask is that you die quickly.

???: Good luck with that. I am Thresh and soon enough....

He holds up his lantern and it glows brightly.

Thresh: Your friends. Your Family. They will be mine before you beg for mercy.

Y/N: You'll find I'm a lot harder to beat than that!

I fire a beam at him but he swats it away with his hook. I was surprised but I wouldn't allow it too show. I ran at him firing a few shots at him and while it was deflecting them, I lunge to the side and then go for an overhead swing. His reaction speed proves staggering as he easily sidesteps it and smacks me across the face with his lantern. I stumble to the side a bit before going for a backwards grip swing. He parries. This is starting to piss me off! How is he able to react that fast? I jump back until my back is at the wall. I need to keep a clear head here.

Thresh: Something wrong, Y/N?

Y/N: What the hell do you want...?!

Thresh: Something you have.

Y/N: What I have? I don't know what you're talking about.

Thresh: But you already do. The scientist made it clear you did right?

Scientist? He must be talking about Giovanni. All I know is that whatever it is can free Runeterra but when does killing a person over something that ridiculous ever help or what.

Y/N: You seem to know a lot.

Thresh: Why wouldn't I? I've waited for this moment for a very long time.

Y/N: Sorry to disappoint you but you won't be getting anything from this!

I surround myself in my light sphere and charge him but once I got close, he puts both his hands up against my sphere, stopping me dead in my tracks. I try to keep pushing but he eventually gains the upper hand. He shatters my sphere, leaving me in utter shock. No one has ever done that before. In my shock, he grips me by the neck and slams me into the ground. Then into the ground again and then into a wall. Whatever this guy is made of, he's going to be a serious issue. How can anyone be this strong? He stands me up and then slashes at me with his hook with a gust of wind following it. Sending me flying straight through a dumpster and some trash bags.

Thresh: That all you can muster? Even Trisha made this a little more fun.


Thresh: Or what? You going to lose?

My vision slowly goes red and I create to balls of light in my hand. I put them together and fire a massively powerful beam. There was no way he would survive this without dodging.

Thresh: Disappointing.

I'm not sure what he does but he completely destroys my attack. When I get a clear look, he was holding his lantern up and it had an intense aura. One that was screaming. At that moment, I realized the mistake I made doing that as I collapse to my knees. I put way to much into that and it got utterly destroyed. Now I have little stamina left.

Thresh: What's wrong Man of Light? Aren't you going to use your dark half?

Y/N: Huh....?

Thresh: The light in you is so weak and pathetic. If I weren't so evil, I wouldn't find it adorable.

Y/N: I don't know what you're talking about.

Thresh: But you do. Couldn't you feel it? The nagging feeling of forgetting something?

How does he know that? I never went to anyone about that.

Thresh: Perhaps this will convince you. Remember your last dream?

Y/N: Last dream...?

He must be talking about the one with the other me in it. What was he anyway? I shake my head, thinking this is what he wanted.

Y/N: I'm not playing your games!

Thresh: On the contrary, you already are. You always have been even before you were born. Even now, I drag others into this little game. Can you feel it?

Feel what exactly?

Hero of the Stars (Male Reader x K/DA)Where stories live. Discover now