Chapter 48. One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall

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Logan: Quick note that these next few chapters take place around the same period of time. They're all just from different perspectives.

Third Person POV

Ironhide was currently letting his Rapid Fire arm cannon tear through the forces in the sky while firing powerful energy balls from his Energy Cannon into larger, grounded foes.

Ironhide: Is this all these guys got? I'm disappointed.

Optimus: The are dangerous foes in numbers Ironhide. Don't underestimate them.

Jazz: Hey Bee, wanna see a trick I just came up with?

Bumblebee: Hell yeah brother!

Jazz run towards a group of demons and quick transformers in car mode. Once that was down he quickly drifted while simultaneously bouncing his offensive side up at he hit them. This knocks them into the air and once he got the last one, he finishes them off with a Mana Pulse Bomb.

Logan: In Transformers the Video Game, he has something akin too Blackouts Shock Wave but toned down. In fact I think it's some sort of sound wave shot but I swapped it for this for more relation to this universe.

Bumblebee: Now that was cool!

Jazz: I know it was!

Soon the Artillery strikes started to fly and hit the city. One ended up hitting the gate, allow the front line forces entry.

Darius: Everyone move in and attack! Don't let them recover!

Everyone charges in with True Damage and K/DA in the back. They weren't as concerned with fighting as they were with finding Kai'sa. Bumblebee moves with these groups to give them some extra protection and firepower. Aerial demons were going absolutely crazy at this point to most groups stuck very closely too one another to not get picked off. Some weren't very fortunate. Eventually Bee had to break away from the two bands as they run into a building for some protection.

Akali: It's absolute hell out there! How are we suppose to find Kai'sa in all of this.

Evelynn: I've got a bad feeling we won't be the ones finding her.

Ahri: You think they've turned her?

Evelynn: It's possible. I sense an old acquaintance watching over this war. I don't know what he's done but I do know one thing. When I get my hands on him...

Yasuo: Lets calm down and stick to our primary objective. If Kai'sa is with them, we'll need to subdue her.

Akali: I don't think I can do that.

Yasuo: She will not give you a choice.

Lucian: Yasuo is right. If she has been turned then fighting her is our only option.

Credo then enters the room with two angels behind him.

Credo: Not quite.

Evelynn: You......

Credo: It's been a while Evelynn.

Ahri: You two know each other?

Evelynn: How could we not?

Credo: You live amongst the humans as one of them. I have no quarrel with you.

Credo then looks to the angel on his left.

Credo: Provide them with the shard.

Angel 1: But sir!

Credo: The Void Bringers can be saved. We must focus on sealing the Void Gate.

The angel nods and hands Evelynn a golden shard with a runic pattern on it.

Credo: The blast radius is small. You'll have to be close to use it on her. It will return her too her senses for a time. Once done, take her too one of the Priests we have located in Ixtal. He goes by the name of Tyr. Remember that the effects are not permanent and she will return to a hostile state if you take too long. Good-

The building rumbles a bit before a big chunk is ripped out. Optimus had just grinded a Void Terror across the building. Unaware of his allies location. Credo and his angels flew through the opening and towards the Void Gate where the smarter, more dangerous demons lurked. Defending the World Rune from being disturbed. AJ had managed to break away from the bubble shield with Ezreal and Jayce who he made sure to be slower for. They eventually come up to the garden they arrived in.

AJ: We got more Mana Disruptors on the ship. Go and grab em.

Ezreal: Why?

AJ: We gotta shut that portal down and Anthony was the only one carrying them.

Jayce: Would those even work on the World Rune?

AJ: I ain't got a clue!

An engine roars behind them and when they look towards the source, AJ gets rammed by it. Sideways had arrived and pinned AJ down with a foot.

Sideways: You three won't be getting away this time.

Jayce uses his To The Skies attack which Sideways manages to block and counter with a backhand. Sending Jayce into a bush. Ezreal freaks out for a moment as Sideways continues to crush AJ.

AJ: Putting a nasty dent on the armor!

Sideways: Who cares, just pop like a pimple already.

Ezreal looks on somewhat hopelessly which Sideways takes notice of.

Sideways: Oh, a child on the battlefield? Boy, your mom must hate you.

Ezreal didn't like that and started to get angry which gets a laugh out of Sideways.

Sideways: Ah, is the baby boy gonna cry?

Ezreal: Shut up!

Ezreal fires an orb that Sideways blocks but strangely enough, it didn't do anything but stick to his arm. Ezreal then fires his Mystic Shot at the sticky orb and it blows up in a glorious fashion and knocks Sideways down.

AJ: Thanks for the save.

Sideways chuckles and gets back up. AJ immediately spins up and unsheathes his blades.

Sideways: You think that would keep me down?

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