Divergent Highschool Style

794 17 4

Hey! How's it going?
I just realized that I update on Valentines Day and didn't even wish you a happy Valentines Day! Sorry! Happy Valentines Day!😂😂

Here's the chapter.


Tris's POV

We were at Tobias's house decorating the whole house for the party when Grey walks inside.

"Is there a party I don't know about going on or something?" He asks, his face bemused.

"Yeah. Last party of the year. Before we go to college. Also for our friend who isn't moving away." I explain, tossing some streamers up to Uriah who was weaving them through the staircase railing.

"Nice. College parties are way better though. Wilder, louder, longer. All that fun stuff." Grey walks up the stairs to his room I presume.

"This has to be the best party of the year." Zeke says from pouring some liquids into a bowl, "Show them kids what a real party looks like."

"What time does it start again?" Christina asks, she's putting out the cups, plates and food.

"8 or 9." Tobias shrugs, "It'll probably end around 2 or 3."

"Can I just crash in your room?" I ask him, "I'm feeling tired today, I don't know why."

"Of course." He flashes me a genuine smile.

Around 6:30 were finished with the prep and can finally sit down. We all plop down onto couches in one of the living rooms.

"I'm going to miss you guys when I leave for college. So much." Shauna smiles, I've had the best year here with you guys."

"Same. We need to keep in touch when school starts." Will says, he's smiling but his eyes look sad.

These people weren't my friends, they were my family. We stayed with each other through earthquakes, fights, trips, Tobias's dad, and even Marlene moving away. We could definitely stay together through college.

"I love you guys." Zeke says, "Let's have a good time tonight, okay?"

"Yeah!" We all yell.

"One last time." Tobias smiles.

If I said that the house wasn't crowded, then I would be lying. Filled was an understatement. Thank God Tobias's house was three levels plus a couple acres of land in the back. I was surprised when the room got even more crowded if that was possible. People that didn't even come to our school were here, even some college students!

"This is awesome!" Christina beams as the music plays some techno dubstep song. She's holding a cup filled with probably liquor or booze of some kind. She was probably getting wasted tonight.

I, on the other hand, was not going to get drunk. I obviously had something to drink, but not over my limit. I also didn't mix my drinks, it always made getting drunk worse when you had at least five different alcohols.

Just then, I feel two hands on my waist as I dance with Christina. I turn to face the person. Tobias smiles down at me and plants a kiss on my lips.

"Having fun?"

"Yes! This is awesome." I reach up and pull his head down to me. kiss him hard on the lips.

"I can tell. How much have you had to drink?" He asks, his lips brushing my cheek.

"I think three cups of . . . beer? Yeah! But it's my last one."

He smiles, "Uh-huh." He kisses my forehead, "It's nearly 2 am."

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