The Dangerous Gift

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Sorry this took so long, I actually finished it the day it came out. I did begin to write this a bit but then I just kinda got distracted. I told myself I was just reading one chapter of Wandavision. Next thing I know, it's two hours later and it six in morning and I just finished like three books.

So the Dangerous Gift. It was kind of crazy.

Also, this is just gonna be all over the place, so... yeah. I'm sorry I just really wanna get on to write the second part of my Glorybringer oneshot book. Also I got so many dares I gotta do. Which will not be in the order in which they are received. I am so sorry but that's too much work for me. Thought I can guarantee that they will all be done at some point.

So let's talk about Snowfall first.

I actually hated her at first. Like she was paranoid, which was fine with me. Nothing wrong with that. But sometimes she would say some of the most ridiculous things that would make me want to hit her with a book. Like seriously, making everyone respect her is just a tad bit annoying. Like as a Queen it is good for Dragons to respect you but you shouldn't have to force them to do so you know?

However, just like every character, she improved and had development. She learned that sometimes trusting other Dragons is a good thing and it would be all doom and death if you try it sometime. She also learned that other tribes were also to be respected and how good they can be.

Also, on the subject of other tribes, I loved how we had ships that were from other tribes. Like we got her sister Crystal and that Mudwing, Grayling and Bryony, Tau and Treehopper, and a bunch of other ones. Point is, they are all adorable and I ship every single one of them. Especially Bryony and Grayling, man that's underrated.

Also talking about ships, it was nice to see Tsunami and Riptide in the same book. Like thank you Tui. My shipping self really needed that, but like why didnt we get any Glorybringer? I mean they were RIGHT THERE. Cant we have like one little scene? Seriously, its adorable.

Also, talking about adorable, (Dang why am I so good with transitions today?) Sky! So when he was first introduced into the book, I was like 'who is this?' Like I was legitimately confused and then my brain kinda just went 'why do they keep talking about sn- Oh moons its Sky.' It was that scene when Daffodil was captured by Winter and Sky goes to rescue her. And then we get into the whole scavengers going to Pantala mess.

Also, now that I read this book, I can completely understand Deathbringer's reaction towards Wren talking dragon. Like why didnt Snowfall freak out more!? Let's look at it this way; what if your pet just started speaking perfect english? Like Dog, cat, lizard, bird whatever you may have. Wouldn't it be insane? Like I know my dog isn't stupid but I never thought she would be speak English. I'm just saying, looking back at it now I would say Deathbringer had a reasonable reaction to the situation.

Instead of talking about important things like plot and like the main theme of the book, let's talk about Jebora.

Yes we will be talking about the three Jeboras' today.

So Jebora the first, let's break it down cause I know it was a little confusing. Jebora l or Jebora the first, is the original Jebora. She is the mother of both Jebora ll and Jebora lll (Jeboras two and three). She has animus magic and lived for a little over 11 centuries before she was killed. It seemed she was once was dragon with a conscience, one that cared about others and tried to not turn evil. However that was soon our the window after a while. My guess? Because she tried to perfect both her daughters, this ofcourse was not morally correct and may be what caused her to turn towards such a reckless path when choosing to use her magic.

Jebora ll is Jebora l's first attempt of creating a dragnet. We know she is gone but dont know exactly where to. She is just gone but if she is deceased or alive is unknown. Alot about her is unknown. Including her personality and when exactly her mother, Jebora the first chose to 'dispose' of her. As I believe that's what Jebora the first thoughts were when thinking about Jebora the third.

Jebora the third (Jebora lll) also known as Boa. Honestly, I'm glad she nicknamed herself to Boa. It was a little easier when it came to talking about the three Sandwings. Boa is also the daughter of Jebora the first. Her mother changed her personality entirely, writing the deagonet to her will. This is the Jebora we met in Darkness of Dragons and who I actually was evil but was certainly not. She was able to get free from her manipulative and psychotic mother while also acquiring Animus magic. She was able to do this because of the scroll her mother used to change her personality.

Wow that was alot, over 900 words and all in one night. Wow I'm exhausted but I'm probably gonna go write some of those dares right now and then read more fanfiction. Anyhow, until next time
Bye, bye.

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