Is there a third continent?

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Before I start with this theory, I have a question for anyone reading.
If I were to give my opinion on ships would you all like that?
Its just that I don't have anything to write and I kinda just like ranting on about stuff.
You could suggust me ships and I could give my opinions about them?
Please tell me if you would like that.
Alright onwards with the theory!

This theory has actually been buzzing around my head for a while now, ever since this one like in one of the books. Somewhere near the end in book 10 "The Darkness of Dragons"

On page 361 of the book theres this line and I quote, " and picked up a cantalope from a nearby pile of fruit. 'Imagine this is our world right? According to Nightwing calculation, out continent only covers about this much of it." She spread her talons around one side of the melon covering about a third of the space on the knobbly globe. "So it's well within the relm of possibility that theres more land around this side." She turned the melon around, "And if there is another continent, why wouldn't there be more dragons? But its too far away for any dragon to fly, we believe, so there's no way to know for sure."   " End quote.

Well Foeslayer ,and yes I'm calling her Foeslayer because the name Hope is stupid in my opionion, was explaining to Moonwatcher about the Pyrriah after  she asked if it was possible for there to be another continent. Now here are some points to why I think there is a third continent, just bear with me I know its not alot of evidence.

1. Nightwing calculations.

Nightwings are often described as 'the nerds of Pyrriah' thats one of the things the tribe is known for. They're very smart especially from Foeslayer's time sure now the tribe isnt known for that much but some Nightwings still show it, for example Starflight, and Mastermind are very smart dragons other Nightwings are described as clever.

But back to the Nightwing's calculations, they said that Pyrriah only covers about a third of the world. Don't you think they're probably right? Sure maybe Pantala is twice as big as Pyrriah and the two continents is all there is or the Nightwings caulculated wrong. But what if they're right?

What if theres a third continent?

2. Language

When Clearsight arrives to Pantala after she flees from Pyrriah she attempts to comunicate to the dragons the live on Pantla. While attempting to talk to the strange dragons she discovers that they don't speak the same langauge as her but one of the dragons says somthing along the lines of, "Ah the old language."

Did no one notice this? Like the Pantala dragons just changed thier language? Why? And for who?

These questions buzzed around my mind for alot, and I mean alot probably because I'm an overthinker but just stick with me here. What are the chances that Pyrriah spoke the same language as the Pantala dragons, like lets just say the Pyrriah spoke the same language they spoke scense the begaining of thier time for thousands of years.

Why did Pantala change thiers?

Like its so easy to stick to one language, why change it!?

This bothered me so much, like you all have no idea. It bugged me that I still can't get to the bottom of it or come up with a resonable theory other than dragons from the third continent are linked to the two continents. Just somehow, I know this probably has nothing to do with the theory, but it kinda bothered me and I thought it may have somthing to do with it.

3. Hivewing powers

Did anyone else wonder where Hivewing powers come from? Because the powers that Hivewing posseses are NOTHING like the ones Clearsight has. If anything these powers may be close to Rainwings, and I thought about it what if a Rainwing blew over to Pantala around the same time Clearsight did, or after?

They could have mated with a Hivewing or what was begaining to form the Hivewing tribe and boom wierd powers. But almost instantly as I thought about it, it started to not make sense anymore. Just stuff stopped fitting together.

Hivewing powers are: Deadly stingers that can extend from thier wrists to stab thier enemies, venom in thier teeth or claws, a paralyzing toxin that can immobilize thier prey, others can spray a boiling acid from the stingers on thier tails. 



This is how deaths by Glory's venom is described. scarlet is mentioned to have a melted face

Again with the a dragon from the third continent links the two continents. Isn't it wierd how a tribe from Pantla and a tribe from Pyrriah both have a similar ability but no one notices? I think Tui is hinting it, because she describes the powers between a Rainwing and a Hivewing to be diffrent, one as "A boiling acid" and the other as "Shoots a deadly venom from thier fangs". But in the end, they're the same thing. I think shes trying to hint it but she doesn't want to give it away so quickly when we're just in book 13. She hides the Rainwing ability in the Hivwings by adding a bunch of other powers. 

I mean what do you all think? Could this be true?

4. Animus magic

Where in the three moons did animus magic come from?

Tui just says that the Icewings first had it and thats that, like the just had it? I mean it isn't impossible that they just had it but I just suggested that Tui is trying to hint us all somthing in plain sight so of coruse we're looking into this.

The origins of Animus magic are always so vanuge saying it just started in Icewings. Like the powers just poofed ? No explination no nothing they're just there? But what about the Skywings? They clearly had them too because they claimed that they killed dragons with that ability before they were able to make any kind of damage.

And this was all in Darkstalker legends. Even in that book Animus magic is somthing that ins't completely explored yet I should actually make a story on that I really want to get talking about Darkstalker and his animus magic and everything but thats a pretty long discussion.

Anyhow, sorry about that, maybe if there is a third continent thats where Animus magic originated from, and maybe Tui is trying to explain it in the future and thats why shes somewhat vauge about it all.

Well that was my theory, I know it doesn't have much evidence but I guess I just really wanted to rant on about it and how much Hivewing powers bothered me and stuff haha
Well until next time.

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