Moonibli (Ship opinion)

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I'm back from the land of endless classwork.. Anyhow no one suggusted it but I'm doing it anyways cause I remmber something happened a while back, although it was hilarious. And this is just my opionion, its not ment to change yours or anything.

So I wasn't gonna talk about ships because no one wanted to hear me talk about them and I didn't want people getting mad. But I really don't care and I thought what happened was pretty funny so here we are.

First of all, I don't really care for Moonibli (I'm pretty sure thats how to spell the ship name by the way.) I like Qibli with his big overthinking brain and if he died I would probably be pretty sad cause I like the character, Moon on the other hand is whatever to me, I wouldn't care less if she died to be completely honest.

Talking about the ship itself, I just don't like the interactions between the two characters. Because every ship has its own thing, thier own thing that makes us love that ship.

Like with Peril and Clay, Clay was kind to her even though nobody was and thats the main like thing about the ship you know? With Tsunami and Riptide, Riptide was the only dragon in the kingdom of Sea that Tsunami could trust and he can calm Tsunami down from her furious state. With Deathbringer and Glory, they're constantly saving each other's tails (I mean come on they're freaking adorable). With Starflight and Fatespeaker, Starflight kinda brings her down to earth while she cares for him, or if your into Sunnyflight then you could say Sunny would help Starflight with his nervousness.

Also why does no body talk about the crazy fact that Starflight somehow got into a love triange?

But back to Moonibli and the ship not really having anything, look at it in my point of view for instance. Qibli on one talon listens to Moon (Unlike a certain Icewing, sorry Winter), he cares for her, he is obviously in love her. But what does Moon do? Absoultly nothing. She just picks between Winter or Qibli and thats it, theres like nothing there, its just...

I don't I just didn't like how there was nothing there that made me say "Oh wow I freaking love this ship and I'll brutally murder anyone that says otherwise." you know? I know people love this ship but I have yet to understand why.

Oh and I almost forgot, the other day I was on the wonderful world of the internet of wings of fire ships just looking around seeing if there were discussions and stuff like that. When I stumbled opon to people arguing wether Moonibli or Sunlow was the bettrer ship, both ships that I didn't really like so I didn't step in so argue.

As you can imagine the coversation got heated REALLY QUICKLY.

Alarming threaths and intresting points were made and such but in my head I was like "Yowch what are you going to say to that?", some people were like GUYS THEY ARE BOTH GREAT SHIPS. But that didn't stop them, so there I was like at two in the morning just watching two people argue for entertainment rather than writting totally worth it though.

I kinda thought it was ridiciolous because at one point one of them made a very... intresting threat. By the way, I was just laughing when the person typed it in, I mean I know I shouldn't but still one of the funniest conversations I experianced) I mean we all have our otps and our ships.

But still. Hilarious.

At like three in the morning I went to sleep cause I had school the next day, so yay two hours of sleep yay and goodbye little bit of sanity I had left. Again, back to the ship, its just my opinion and its not ment to change yours.

Until next time.

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