The Breath of Evil and book 14

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Hey, I'm back to ranting-about-things-nobody-cares-about. Maybe thats what I should name this book, anyhow before you read any of my nonsense of ranting; I kinda just wanted to remind people that I do wings of fire dares.

So if you want to dare dragons something just comment it in my book, cause its quarentine and Im kinda boerd. The other day I was watching two birds peck at each other for my amusment so yeah. You know still completely sane. So yeah, please send dares, now onto the rant.


Yep we're back again with blaming Jebora. Why you might ask? Easy, I just don't trust her, its a hunch and Imma go with it. Also I maybe have some real evidence, maybe. It kinda just adds to my theory on Jebora being evil and having to do something with the Othermind.

So, while I was looking at the little information we have on book 14, I saw something in the trivia part. In the bottom it said "Tui stated that someone (a "She") knows more than they appear to." THAT SHE IS JEBORA AND YOU CANNOT CHANGE MY MIND.

Also, I think Jebora may have something to do with the whole Breath of Evil, because theres no doubt in my mind that she was the one that took animus magic away, so you know lets just add a little more of "Doing evil stuff". But I hope her motive is reavealved though, I mean it has to. Dragons don't do bad things just cause. They were shaped that way. 

Book 14

So Wren the will be in the dangerous gift. I would kill to see her scare Deathbringer again, I mean come on thier interactions in Dragonslayer was absolutely hilarious. Also, its nice to see her freak dragons out and if she does I bet Murderbasket is going to be like "HA I wasnt crazy". I'm just saying, it would be hilarious. Also, Sky is adorable so I'd love to see the return of him as well.

Its also confirmed that book 14 reavels why animus magic doesn't work, again I'm blaming it on Jebora. I hope that she isn't deafeated quickly and that it isn't rushed though. Because thats what happened in Darkness of Dragons and it wasn't the best way to go about it. But I'll see what I think about it after I read it, and you can bet I'm gonna write about it rigt after I read it.

Though one thing that I'd love to see is that revisit old ships. Yes I love new ships as much as the next person dont get me wrong. But even though Glorybringer, Ripnami, Starspeaker, and Cleril are all canon, atleast I'm pretty sure, I would love to see more of them in the books. For example, In darkness of Dragons we revisit some ships in the epilogue. But they're only there because thier P.O.V was in that arc.

But it was really cool to see Peril's point of view and Clay's but I wish there was that for the other other ships with the dragonets of destiny. The whole thing of revisiting ships is unlikley but It would be cool if lets say we get a part of the epilouge with Glory and Deathbringer, but its in Deathbringer's point of view you know? Same with Ripnami but in Riptide's point of view and such, and starspeaker in Fatespeaker's P.O.V. as well. Just saying, revisiting ships would be really nice.

(Side note here: While I was serching on information about book 14 and the othermind I saw that there will be a wings of fire show, I'm actually really exicted I'm starting to act like Kinkajou but I'll talk about it some other time, I just wanted to let you all know)

Clearsight's powers and Beetlewings

First of all, can we talk about how wierd it is that Clearsight didn't see anything about the Othermind? Like how did she see that "If I eat a fish for breakfast I'll land akwardly" but not a evil plant that has lived for tousands of years? I know that Clearsight can't see 2000 years into the future but she saw something about the trees. Heck she told the other tribes to help the Leafwings protect them.

But she didn't see ANYTHING about the Othermind?

It just seems really strange to me, also I've never heard of a species being bred to extenction. Maybe some beetlewings are still alive, maybe thats what the prophecy means with "A secret buried far below May save those brave enough to look". I'm pretty sure it was Luna who said that, that part of the prophecy is refering to the flamesilks.

Yes, in the future the Flamesilks could maybe save them by burning down the Othermind or something, but other than that they just create fire and thats that. So maybe, just maybe, "A secret buried far below May save those brave enough to look" is refering to the Beetlewings, they may have figured out an antidote to the othermind because of all thier time alone.

The Othermind

Honestly, the third arc went nothing how I imagined it would go. I actually thought then antogonist would be Queen Wasp but it was actually a freaking plant, who would have guessed?

There isn't really much on the othermind probably because it kinda came outta nowhere at the end of book 13, but imagine how much chaos this could unleash if it got to Pyrriah. Like lets say the Othermind possed Glory somehow, by eating the vine or inhaling the smoke of it burning. It would be chaotic, she could tell the Rainwings and Nightwings to eat the plant and boom.

The Othermind would now be in control of a whole tribe that have magical death spit and scales that camoflauge. And well Nightwings, because well Nightwings are the best tribe ever. But about the Rainforest, maybe theres something there to combat the Othermind.

The Rainforest has always said to have strange plants, what if one of those plants posses the power to battle the Othermind? It wouldn't be the best ending though, so maybe not. But its kinda hard to imagine other ways to defeat a freaking plant that can posses dragons.

Well, thats it.
When book 14 comes out I'll for sure talk about it though.
Until next time.

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