Winglets Deserter

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Yep another winglet. I was going to do a ship review of glorybringer but I decided to do this instead.

This is the third Winglet, it's in Six-claw's point of view. This story begins before the War of the Sandwing successiob and ends shortly after the events of Winglets assassin. Hopefully I can also finish reading the last Winglet tonight but we'll see.

We don't see much of Six-claws in the books, but I guess thats what these Winglets are for. Six-claw's parents are Ostrich and Quicksand (Yep those are the geniuses that were oh so creative when naming him). He's described here to have a happy childhood, ( Or I guess dragonethood?) more happy then most Sandwing dragonets. That's probably due to the positions his parents had in the palace.

At the time Oasis (Mother of Burn, Blister, and Blaze) was Queen, Six-claw's mother was one her most trusted guards while his father was the head chef in the Queen's kitchens. So its kinda hard to have a bad dragonethood with that, unless you have siblings, which he does.

Six-claws is completey loyal to Queen Oasis depite being only two years old. But I think being loyal is just a trait he has. For example he's loyal to Thorn, in The Brightest Night we see that unlike all the other Outclaws he refuses to leave and waits for her. Anyhow, his loyalty towards Queen Oasis at the time is pretty clear whithin the first page into the book. The Sandwing seemed shocked to discover that someone would ever challange his Queen while his parents discusssed it.

After discovering that one of Oasis's daughters could kill his Queen, Six-claws started seeing them not only as royalty and daughters to the Queen but as threats. Five years later, at the age of seven, Smolder tells Six-claws that he saw Burn and Blister whispering to each other. It seemed odd to them considering that the two sisters didn't seem to like each other much. They reasoned that the only reason they would do so is to plot against Blaze. Smolder decided to run, telling Six-claws that he should save them.

Six-claws then begins to look for the youngest Sandwing sister. While doing so, he pokes his head into a classroom in the Sandwing palace to look for Blaze. Enthusiastically, a Sandwing dragonet then insists on comming with him to look for Blaze despite his teacher's protests.

This dragonet turns out to be Dune.

Yes, Dune as the Sandwing that raised the guardians. I've always liked Dune. But he was actually really short lived which was sad. We get a few chapters with him then Scarlet just comes in and kills him on the spot. And I've also always wondered how he got so scarred and he seems fine here actually so   maybe we'll find out in the Winglet.

We find out here that Dune's parents are actually teachers. They want him to become a teacher as well but Dune described dragonets as aggravating, saying he wishes to become a soilder instead.


Moving on from Dune, they eventually find Blaze out in the dunes. Without hisitation, Six-claws goes in to save her but Dune argues that he too will be crushed by the sandstorm. But eventually Six-claws wins saying that, "You never leave dragonets in danger." Six-claws goes out to save Blaze, Blaze however insists on finding her crown. Six-claws see's the dnager the Sandwing princcess is in and basically drags her away from the arriving sandstorm.

The rest of the palace sees the sandstorm and begins to close windows and doors. Dune however, opens one of the shutters and waves a white cloth to get Six-claws's attention and because of that they're able to enter the palace at the last moment. Instead of thanking Six-claws for saving her life, Blaze basically throws a tantrum like a two year old dragonet. Her father Char however questions what she was doing outside the palace.

Blister however, is quick to try to blame Six-claws. While the loyal Sandwing is left in practically fear, Dune however doesn't waste a second comming to his defense saying that Six-claws saved Blaze's life. After Blaze makes a huge scene about his six talons and is a complet asshole about it, her father Char thanks him for saving Blaze's life and suggests he is rewarded.

Char offers that he could join the army and maybe become a general one day. Six-claws accepts the offer and ,with encoragement from Dune, says that Dune too helped. So with that Char moves them both into the army and even into the same battalion with Dune who was grinning from ear to ear to the fact of joining the army.

Years passed to the night Queen Oasis died but instead of being around the Queen, Six-claws was comforting Smolder who was weeping about the fact that Palm was gone. Even years after, Dune and Six-claws are still best freinds, and after the death of the king of the Sandwing's Char they were still moving up the ranks quickly.

While disscussing Dune going up the ranks, they hear a loud roar. Dune, Six-claws, Smolder and his two brothers rush out, only to see the Queen dead. The cool thing about this part in my opinion is that we see how dragons reacted to the death of Oasis. We see that Sandwings suspect one of Oasis's daughters and Six-claws even susepcts that Smolder killed her for the death of palm, only to quickly dismiss the theory.

The Sandwings suggest that Blister and Burn  fight for the throne, Blister however knows she can't beat her sister and suggest they look for Oasis's murder. Its then that Six-claws smells the scent of a Scavenger and notices that the venomous barb of the Queen is gone and that she has the spear of a scavenger stuck in her eye. But thats as far as we get to the aftermath of the death of Oasis.

Years passed and the three Sandwing sisters chose alliances and soldiers picked which princess to support. Six-claws's mother was loyal to Burn and because she was loyal so was Six-claws who was quickly premoted to general. Six-claws is without a doubt one of the most loyal dragons I've read in the series. It seems that the only reason he stayed with Burn was because as the Winglet states, "Royalty ran deep in his blood." even though he had to fight Sandwings he once called brothers in arms.

Burn loved the great war it doesn't take a genius to see that and because of that there were battles often. But Six-claws was in a battle that seemed to be a bit worse, his best freind Dune had been injured. He had carried Dune all the way back from the battle site so healers could see to his injuries. Suddenly Burn appeares insisting they attack the Mudwings while Six-claws argues to stick to thier current startegy,

Burn then shoves past him, as Six-claws follows her someone catches his attention. It's none other than Deathbringer. I mean he doesn't show his face but It's kinda obvious its him. The ending in Winglets Assassin and the fact that he seemed to melt from the shadows. In the short period of time Deathbinger has his attention, he suggests not to follow Burn.

Six-claws however protests he's loyal, and even is he were to leave Burn who would be follow, Blister? Deathbringer however shot down that idea, probably because Blister was the one that ordered the death of Quickstike. Deathbringer insists instead that he go to Scorpion den, where there is no war but Six-claws insists that he is loyal. But Deathbinger makes a good point, loyal to what exactly? They both know Burn is cruel and the Nightwing states it as, "helping a viper get stronger anf more posionous"

Burn calls out to Six-claws and Deathbringer dissapears. Six-claws goes after her and finds Burn standing over his freind, Dune who was unconcious. Dune had frostbreath injuries so he needed hot coals in order for his injuries to get better. Burn however, being the delightful dragon she is knocked the bags down, sending Six-claws in protest.

Irritated of Six-claws's arguing, Burn shreads Dune's wing, who woke up and screamed in pain. As Six-claws reaches towards his best freind, Sandwings tackle him and pin him down. She then threathens to injur Dune further if he argued with her again.

Its then that Six-claws seemed to realize how cruel Burn was and decided taking Deathbringer's advice on leaving to Scorpion den with Dune. The doctor who had healed soldiers, Kindle decided to come with them to escape Burn (in case the name Kindle sounded familiar, she later becomes Six-claws's partner).

Kindle and Six-claws's wrap Dune up in blankets and carry him, the three dragon's head to Scorpion den. On the way there Dune wakes up and takes a look at his wings knowing he'll never fly again. He basically says that loyalty is stupid while Six-claws's argues that it isn't, it's just that they hadn't found the right dragon to be loyal to.

Dune replies sarcasitically to this saying, "Wonderful, can't wait."

I probably haven't said this before but I love Dune's sarcastic and grumpy personality here, I wonder what happened to make him just grumpy when raising the dragonets.

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