Is Moonwatcher a Mary Sue?

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Hey guys, I'm back!

All sleep deprived, but what else is new? Anyhow on with today's topic of discussion; Is Moonwatcher a Mary Sue?

Long story short, no she actually isn't. However we will be going over why she isn't.

I just don't like her and feel like ranting about it. So be advised, this isn't a productive thing to read or anything (or honestly to even write seriously what am I doing?), its just me ranting about the character because I don't like her.

In case you are unfamiliar with the term of what a Mary sue is, then let me clear it up for you.

Now, from the very little amount of research I have conducted I think there are two main requirements for a character to be a Mary Sue/Gary Stu.

1.Must be loved by all.
2. Few to little flaws.

This most likely isn't close to what most people would consider a whole lot of requirements but Its good enough for me. Especially because it's so late. So let's look at requirement number one.

Must be loved by all.

Moonwatcher clearly isn't loved by all.

It really doesn't take genius to see that at first she isn't the most popular dragon. First, it was hate from her fellow tribemates because they were jealous of her. They were jealous that she escaped the volcano and starvation. However when she was in jade mountain other Dragons hated her because she was a Nightwing.

But the thing that annoys me is that her whole book she goes "Oh everyone hates me" Yet Winter and Qibli had a crush on her.

Few to little flaws.

Anyone that writes a book knows that a character needs flaws.

Its essential when writting anything from a ont shot to a whole three book series. Because when writting. a book there are two main questions you need to ask yourself. 1. What does my protagonist want? 2. How do I keep them from their goal?/What obstacles can I create?

Anyhow getting off track.

My point is; We need some kind of problem or flaws. A character without flaws are horrible characters. Every character needs a weakness and/or flaw. Make it be a physical weakness or a emotional one. I character may be incredibly powerful but then have so much anger boiled up inside him that they cant think reasonably (*cough* Darkstalker). Or perhaps the other way around. A character may be optimistic and determined but physically be easy to defeat.

For Moonwatcher, I guess you could count the shyness as a flaw. But really I dont see any other flaws other than that.

Now getting to why I dont like her.

She's special just cause.

This bothers me so much. I hate how she's special just because.

Like for practically no reason she has the powers her tribe hasn't had in hundreds of years. You could argue and say "But her mother hid her egg that's what makes her special." Well while you most certainly are correct, my problem with that is, that it's just that. Its just l, 'her mother hides her egg', that's it. Something that would have made it more interesting would be like, "As an egg, Moonwatcher's egg cracks and she received some very little moonlight, so therefore she has mind reading and the ability to tell the future but it's very weak.". Like that's so much more interesting! Atleast in my opinion.

Also; She is defeated by a mop. A MOP! *Laughs hysterically* A mop guys. (This is also like the only time she gets hurt, it's just adding to rhe point I made earlier about her being perfect) Like if it was a human getting beaten up by a mop then fine. Humans are pathetic, so that's fine. But we're talking about a dragon here.    She could snap ths mop on half so easily, she could have lit it on fire! It's just the fact that a map beat her up is so absurd and ridiculous to me.

Also, also:); Why is she like the only dragon with a nickname? Seriously, more dragons need nicknames. Like why didn't Winters name, Igloo face, stick? It was an awesome nickname. I might just call Deathbringer Murderbasket on here for the fun of it.

Sorry for the rant. But I do have good news! (Although honestly, I think that I already said this in my Firecewings chapter)

I will be starting a Glorybringer one shots book! I've been working on this forever but its finally coming. Originally I wasnt going to publish the  one shots because I wanted to use then in larger story. Like one with a plot and everything. However I wasnt able to have a good sound plot so I'm putting them all into a one shots book

Also guys,

Also guys,

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