Winglets Runaway

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Finally the last winglet.

Don't get me wrong, I love writting what I think about the winglets and everything but the thing is that while I read them for the first time I'm next to my laptop typing out what I think about certain parts of the book. So it makes for a really slow process when what I really want to do is sit down and read the book without interruptions.

Anyhow, this is the fourth and last Winglet. The name of it is Runaway and this takes place right aftet the prologue of Darkstalker legends, and ofcourse around two thousand years before The Great War (Also known as the Sandwing succession). It is in Foeslayer's point of view and I am not calling her Hope. Not only because thats not her name yet but becase Hope is the stupidest name in dragon history and I refuse to call her that.

Oh and it also has Snowflake's and Arctic's point of views.

So this Winglet takes place right after the prologue of Darkstalker legends so Foeslayer is still at the Icewing kingdom. And let me just say, I'm like on the second page and I already love this Winglet. I actually love the ship of Actic and Foeslayer and I'm glad to see it here. I also relate alot to Foeslayer the being a smart mouth and constantly getting scolded for it by my mom.

The first part is in Foeslayer's point of view.

Foeslayer is still in the dome, full of Icewings and the visiting Nightwings, Foeslayer however is only paying attention to one dragon. Arctic. While the two dragons keep stealing glances at each other, Foeslayer's mother, Prudence suddenly appeares. She questions her daughter about the earing accusing her of stealing. While Foeslayer just says an Icewing gave it to her, even madder now Prudence grabs her daughter's ear but as she does she's burned by it. Which would make sense because the earing is designed to protect her from harm.

Arctic notinces the two fighting nightwings and walks over to them. He attempts to get Foeslayer out of trouble but he fails to do so. Trying to stop her mother's suspecions, Foeslayer says they met outside but her mother doesn't seem convinced and she then sends Foeslayer to her chambers. When leaving, Foeslayer rolls her eyes, making Arctic smile. She catches Snowflake glancing at Arctic and the Nightwing remmbers who she is.

It seemed that Foeslayer felt sad that she couldn't be with Arctic. She convinces herself than a smart dragon wouldn't go see him again at thier secret meeting and that it would be safer that way. But her thoughts loop back, knowing that the smart dragon sounds misrable and so she decides to meet him again thinking nothing could go wrong.

In Snowflake's point of view we get to know alot about her.

Prior to this we didn't know much about her, from Arctic we knew she was quiet and boring and didn't talk much and didn't give her opinions on anything. But now we see how she rages all night long.Snowflake covers up her emotions pretty well she seems to be in constant rage and especially when no one sees how mad she is about everything.

She hates Arctic and the idea of marrying him and she seems to get even madder when Foeslayer has an earing that was Arctic's. Before her train of  rage and thought goes any further, Snowflake appears. Snowflake regonizes her as the Queen's niece and they begain to talk about Arctic for a while until Snowfox points something out.

If Snowflake were to marry Arctic and have dragonets with him, there would be more heirs to the throne. Now Snowflake certainly doesn't want that and more hiers and challangers wouldn't please Snowfox. Seeing as they have mutual goals, begain to plan. Prior to Snowfox nobody had ever understood Snowflake's anger, they had always tried to freeze it and keep it awat. But Snowfox understands her like no dragon had ever understood Snowflake.

Then we get Arctic's point of view.

It was hard for Arctic and Foeslayer to find a good place and time to meet. But eventually they agreed to meet at the moments before dawn. But as Arctic waits for Foeslayer, his mother appears. She doesn't look pleased that Arctic is awake and she questions him about it, the prince then bows his head saying that he couldn't sleep.

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