Dragonslayer (Book review I guess more of a rant though)

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Hey so I may or may have not been reading creepy stuff for the last half an hour.

I can't fall asleep so we're doing this now.

So I bought this book about forever ago, and I read like half of it then just got boerd of it. And it kinda just sat on my bookshelf, collecting dust forever until yesterday I decided to read it again.

I finished it this time, and it was FREAKING AMAZING. I can't believe it just sat on my bookshelf for the longest of time. I think Dragonslayer is my favorite book, I mean theres the Deathbringer and Wren interactions, theres Wren just being a Wren, Sky being adorable, Ivy being more facinated by dragons then scared, Leaf going from wanting to kill a dragon to loving Sky.

It was just awsome, I actually was reading it at a party. And I just had my nose in the book the whole time and people would come and poke me in the shoulder and wanna talk to me so I had to resist the urge of saying " I don't care let me read peasant."

No but seriously, I need a sequel to this. Because I finished it and the last chapter and the epilogue just kinda left on a cliff hanger. I mean not that much but still, I'd kill for a sequel.

First of all, I wanna talk about Wren.

I love how she rather face a dragon then a human. At one part of the book she says something like, a human may pretend to help her and then just stab her in the back, dragons will just straight up eat her. Which is a good point, in my opinion shes right not to trust people. Just stick to Sky and you don't need anyone else sounded good to me.

But without giving a little bit of trust to Rose or Deathbringer, she probably wouldn't have been able to save Sky. So I'm glad that after seeing her brohter again, she was able to trust people a bit more though him.

Wren is by far the most relatable character to me. Its also hilarious how when she realized she was getting sacrificed her first reaction was to punch and scratch whatever was closest to her, then start cursing them out. Also I wonder how many curses she knew, cause by 8 I knew plenty of bad words.

Anyhow, I also loved Wren and Sky's sibling like relationship. Its aborable, and I just had this goofy grin on my face when I was reading those parts. Sky in genral is just again, adorable. I can't believe that I called a creature that could legit eat me aborable. But theres just no other word to describe him, I mean hes just so lovable.

Also, my favorite part in the book probably has to be between Deathbringer and Wren. Deathbringer is my favorite chracter, but the part where Wren ,we'll just say convinces, him to take her to Burn's stronghold is my favorite part. I mean the interactions between the two are hilarious, and I hope we see more of them in the fourth arc, if there is one.

Now, talking about a possible forth arc, I really hope it focuses on scanvengers more because we left off in Dragonslayer where The Invincible Lord is planning to catch Wren and use her. Plus, Wren is confirmed to make an appearance in boool 14 so I hope that elabrates on the fourth arc.

I know most people didn't like this book, which I think it was because like me, maybe they liked the P.O.V of dragons better? Which yes, I love the dragon's point of view but its also cool to see how people are in the dragon world. I like how each village or whatever has its own twist to it you could say.

For example, Valor where Ivy lived. Sure, it was a safe underground city but it had a lying coward as a lord. Tailsman, where Wren and Leaf are from, was small enough not to be noticed much but the dragonmancers abused thier power to do whatever the hell they wanted which in this case was to steal treasure and sacrifice whoever they wanted. Indestructible City, home to Undauntable, has high walls to protect the residents from dragons but the actual danger is inside its walls.

Second of all, I also want to talk about how it was kinda cool all three characters met and how they resolved the conflict in thier villages.

First lets take a look at Valor. I feel like Heath just gave up way to easily, but then again there was a dragon right there or maybe hes just more of a coward than I had though. Like, your really not gonna do anything? I mean, I know Heath is a coward but wow I had no idea he was that big of a coward then. I feel it was a big rushed though but it wasn't nearly as bad as the whole, issue in Darkness of Dragons.

In Tailsman however, I loved it alot more. Wren was just like "Hey remmeber me? Yep I'm alive, and with a dragon!" Then she just exposed the hell out of the dragonmancers, which I enjoyed. I also liked that Sky was actually mad about what they did to Wren, I mena I expected him to be mad but I was worried that Tui would leave him in as a softie of a dragon who cant get mad over anything. But I'm glad that she was able to add genuine anger to him despite his overall personality.

Speaking of Sky, I hope he and Peril reunite one day, it would be hilarious. I guess it would also be heartwarming and stuff, but it should be akward so that would be funny.

Sky: "So what have you done with your life sis?"

Peril: "Well you know did the whole arena gig for a while."

Sky: "Mhm"

Peril: "Yeah... Didn't really work out."

Sky: "And after that..?"

Peril: "Yeah... I'm not sure, just winging it"


Peril: "So what have you been doing with your life?"

Sky:  *Giggles* "Well I have a pet scavenger-"


Thats apperantly where my mind goes when I do all nighters. I mean its probably not gonna go like that, but I do hope they reunite.

Also, interactions between Wren and other dragons would be cool too. I wonder if Deathbringer was the only one that was like completely tramitized by the fact that scavengers talk Dragon , ot if other dragons would freak out too.

Then again, when Rose started speaking Dragon to Smolder he shook it off with a laugh. But if a lets say a monkey suddenly started speaking english and stabbed me with its sword I'd probably wouldn't shake it off like Smolder did. I think I probably would freak out and think I had a screw loose too.

I think thats all the ranting I got left in me. So you know,
Until next time

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