Glorybringer (Ship opinion)

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Lets get one thing straight people.

Deathbringer is not a pedophile.

I've been wanting to talk that topic and about this ship cause for a while now. Its actually my favorite and I want to clear some stuff up because even though there are lots people that ship this, I've noticed that Deathbringer gets called a pedophile and stuff like that alot. Which I feel is unfair because that's not the case here.

Also, That_one_Wyvern made a chapter about this in his Wings of fire one shots book. The chapter is called, Is Deathbringer a pedophile. It was really good and I recomend you read it cause he explains the subject better than I do.

The first point that I want to make is the probably the biggest problem people have with this ship. You guessed it, it's the whole age gap thing. Honestly its overreacting a little don't you think? Glory isn't a two year old dragonet, she's seven. Is Deathbringer six years older? Certainly, but he never does anything creepy or force himself on her or anything like that.

On one talon, you could say he flirted with her when they first met in the Ice kingdom. But that part was pretty clear that it was as a joke and it was pretty clear that he didn't have any disgusting intentions or anything like that.

Back to the whole age gap thing, what did you guys want Tui to do? Make Deathbringer a one year old assassin? You guys also have to understand that that's probably one of the reasons why she couldn't make him younger.

Now second of all, lets talk about the second thing people seem to have the most problem with. And that is that Deathbringer and Glory met before she was an adult. Alright look, this information is straight from the wings of fire wiki, the link is right here; https://wingsoffire.fa Or you could just google Dragons wings of fire wiki and find it just as easily.

Now lets look at this information shall we? "Dragonets are dragons below seven years old

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Now lets look at this information shall we? "Dragonets are dragons below seven years old. Any other dragon with seven or more years is considered an adult."

Now please do correct me if I'm wrong, but Glory (and the other dragonets for that matter) was six in book 3 (The hidden kingdom), 4 (The Dark secret), and book 5 (The Brightest night). I'm saying those three books because there wasn't much of a time gap between them. Probably because alot was happeneing in the books with the whole Nightwing plan.

Now it wasn't until book six (Moon rising) that the dragonets turned 7,(Isn't it funny how we keep calling them dragonets even though they're adults? At least I keep calling them the dragonets, not sure why,). Now from book 5 to book 6 its maybe a few months. So going from that logic, it means that Glory and the other dragonets were close to thier 7th hatching day in books 3,4,5. Therefore, when Glory met Deathbringer she was only a few months away from become an adult dragon. So its not like she just turned six.

Do you guys see what I'm saying here? Again, Glory isn't a two year old dragonet so calm down.

Another point I want to talk about is how people say that Deathbringer saving Glory and risking his life for her came out of nowhere and that that part was completely undevoloped. Now, I haven't seen this reason for not shipping this much but I have seen it and I want to talk about it real quick.

Deathbringer saving her didn't come out of nowhere guys. Am I the only one that got the message in Winglets assassin? In case you haven't read that Winglet, then you should. After the death of his mother, Deathbringer made an oath to himself remember? Saying:

But this will never happen again. If I ever find someone else to care about, I will not let mt mission come first. I will break any order. I'll endanger my own tribe if I have to. I'll make up for this somehow, someday.

Yeah that oath. Glory is that next dragon he cared about. He didn't let his mission come first and that's why he broke his orders by choosing not to kill Glory. While doing that, he endangered his tribe by setting the whole plan at risk. So him protecting Glory and risking his own scales certainly didn't come out of nowhere.

Moving on from that, I like the dialogue between these two. I think its hilarious and I love how its sarcastically flirtacious. Aside from that, overall and personally, I think thier cute together. The two also seem to have personalities that seem well together as well.

The bad thing about this ship is that we don't see much of it anymore. I've already said this before but I love the new ships like Blicket and Swordtail and Luna (Now thinking about it, thats it from the third arc really. No not Sunlow, that ship is horrible in my opinion). But I would love to see others back in the series.

Yes, I know that at the moment we don't because of we're not even in Pyrriah but maybe a prologue or a epilogue in Glory or Deathbringer's point of view would be nice. Maybe doing something cute or something, I don't know. Just something, cause niether of them are secondary characters or anything so again, we don't see much of them.

While we're here lets talk about the ship name.

No seriously which one do you like better? Glorybringer or Glorybasket? (Or Dory...?). Glorybasket is still Glory and Deathbringer but instead of bringer its basket, as in Murderbasket. Dragonslayer anyone? Nope? Also also, when I first saw Glorybasket I was so confused by the name. I was like what the hell is basket? That was before Dragonslayer by the way.

Well it seems I've ran out of Glorybringer to rant on about.

I gotta say thats.. surprisingly short. I would think I would spend alot more time talking about my favorite ship. It seems I mostly complain about other ships though to be honest. But I bet you that after I publish, I'm gonna be like, "Oh I forgot to talk about that!".

Thats not that uncommon though, but this is it,
Only at 1071 words,
Well until next time I guess.

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