Do dragons... drink?

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Why is nobody else talking about this possibility?

Also, this isn't like if they can drink out of a cup (We know for sure they can do that by the way). This is drinks? I'm not sure how to explain it exactly other thsn just saying alcholoic drinks. This is an actual theory I've had for a while but this took a while to write cause in case you haven't noticed, its kinda hard to type on a tablet.

What first put this idea in my head was in the hidden Kingdom, (then again, it's pretty much the only place I found evidence of this.)

In the Hidden Kingdom, near the Icewing border where Deathbringer and Glory met we get out first clue. Well its actually what Deathbringer said. (Page 118 of The Hidden Kingom) Deathbringer says, "Is that an invitation? I probably have a day or two before the- before my work can begin. I wouldn't mind seeing the inside of an Icewing tavren, if you were there."

To which Glory responds saying, "So let me get this straght, you're telling me nothing about why you're here but you expect me to bring you into our Kingdom and buy you a drink. Nightwings really do think highly of themselves, don't they?" 

Now lets focus on the keywords here, shall we? 

Tavren and drink.

That up there, is the definition of the word tavren as you could see

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That up there, is the definition of the word tavren as you could see. "An establishment for the sale of beer and other drinks to be consumed on the premisies, sometimes also serving food; a bar or pub." So by seeing the definition we can come to the conclusion that a bar and tavren are basically the same thing right? Well because a beer is alcholoic and that is indeed what is served in bars and as we can see, tavrens.

But I don't think dragon tavrens would really have beer, I think they would have something similar but not quite. 

Anyhow, in page 132 of Wings of fire The Hidden Kingdom, we find our second piece of evidence. When Glory goes into Blaze's fortress, still described as an Icewing, she sees Blaze laying down on some pillows. In her head, Glory describes these pillows as "wine red".

Yes, wine red. Now most of you probably read over this and thought nothing of it (as I did the first few times of reading this book). But the words she uses to describe this is"wine red. As you're reading this, most of you are probably going "so what?" Well think of it this way. 

We use colors to describe certain things. For example we might say, "Those shoes were an emerald green." In this sentence you're usuing that object to describe thst color. In case you're wondering, an emerald is a type of gem and as you can imagine, its green. So for glory to describe that the pillows were a red wine she would have had to know wine exisited. Therefore wine must be a thing in this dragon world.

So with all that in mind, we can safely assume that dragons can indeed drink. So that begs the question, (at least for me) Can dragons get drunk? Well in simple terms, alcholoic drinks plus a dragon/human does indeed equal a drunk.

In my opinion, that would be the most hilarious thing. Imagine a drunk Scartlet or someone like that for a example. They're already hilarious characters as it is, now drunk? I don't know I just think that'd be pretty funny. I know its a series that's made for like eight year olds but we had a dragon that made his father kill himself and in that same book another character had sucidal thoughts. I think we can handle atleast hints that a dragon's drunk.

Anyhow, this sounds very annoying of me but what do you think? Can dragons actually drink? (Also tell me if you can see a youtube video up above. Because I did put up a link but I'm not sure cause, again, tablet.)

Well, until next time.

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