Winglets assassin

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Finally, we get some backstory for the most underrated character ever.

Seriously Tui would it kill you to write a little prologue or epilogue in Deathbringer's point of view sometime? I mean I know we had this Winglet to give him some backstory but still you can never have too much of Pyrriah's best assassin. On the other talon I am no author but still.

Anyhow, on to actually talking about the book or Winglet I guess. This is the second Winglet names Winglet Assassin and in Deathbringer's point of view. Its two years before the brightest night, not the book but two years before the dragonets where born. And I didn't write that information in the part where I talked about the Winglet Prisioners so whoops. Also its midnight, don't expect anything reasonable or productive to come out of reading this.

Right when I began reading, like two paragraphs in Deathbringer instantly reminded me of Cricket with how many questions he's asking in his head. I've honestly always liked curious dragons, mostly because I relate alot to them and also because its kinda funny. I like how thier train of thought is really similar to mine and so it makes for a cool point of view from my opinion.

Also, I think its kinda cool that Tui gave us yet another point of view of a Nightwing that lived in the volcanic island. We didn't know much about the island cause, duh it was a secret, but we also didn't know exactly how it worked. Like, from Mightyclaws (Incase some of you don't remmber who he is, he's a dragonet that appears in book 4 and grew up in the island) we know that dragonets cannot leave the island until they're 10 but other than that we didn't know very much but this book gave us a bit more of information about the island.

Am I the only one that loves how Morrowseer just keeps popping up here and there? Like hes in more than one prologue and epilogue and now hes in two of the winglets so far. And now he's here being grumpy to Greatness and Quickstrike. It seems like Tui really liked having the grumpy Nightwing everywhere, it must have been a shame to kill him off. (Also, I'm writting this while I'm reading the book so unless you have the book in hand or remmeber every word you're going to be very confused.)

As Quickstrike argues with Morrowseer about Deathbringer going to the continent isn't kinda wierd how Deathbringer wants to be an assassin? I guess he never had a choice about that and the upside of being a Nightwing assassin is going to the continent.

Also to the part where Deathbringer killed Slughter. Wow literally from under Morrowseer's nose, am I the only one that found that kinda impressive? I mean I know hes killing a dragon, and he is an assassin so he's supposed to be silent but still Slaugter was right behind Morrowseer. And by the time Morrowseer turned around, Slaughter was dead and Deathbringer was long gone. The big grumpy Nightwing didn't even hear Deathbringer dropping Slaughter's body.

Then when he gets back to Qucikstrike and tells her about the death of Slaughter, she doesn't seem pleased. Overall, she seemed really worried for him. When Deathbringer points out it all worked out even if his mother thought it was too dangerous. Thinking about it, even then Deathbringer doesn't seem as grumpy as the rest of his tribe.

She seemed worried that Vengence would take well, vengence on Deathbringer for the death of his cousin. Thinking about it, thats probably why Vengence was so quick to accuse Deathbringer of betrayal in book four.

So they leave the island before anyone can stop them, and head to the bay of a thousand scales. Thier target was a Seawing named Tempest, she and Blister were allied and they had a high chance of winning the war. Because thats the last thing the Nightwings wanted they sent Quickstike and Deathbringer after her.

Once they're on the Bay of a Thousand scales, they're caught in a storm. But right in the middle of it, they spot a Sandwing and as they see him land on an island they guess he's probably in Blister's army. So they attempt to land and wait out the storm.

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