Winglets Prisoners

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Right after I finished reading this one I started writting cause it was pretty good. I like that Tui made the little stories ,you could say. Like for example we know that Fierceteeth escaped but we really dont know how until you read the Winglets, I mean obviously she had inside help but we don't know how exactly. So I thought that was pretty nice. And the book made me realize that Fierceteeth is one of my favorite characters.

There are multiple things about her that I like but we can get on with that later.

(Before we even start, I was laughing when Mastermind was shouting "AND DON'T COME BACK OR I'll DISSECT YOU ALIVE". Like is that what all science teachers threaten with? What do english teachers threaten with then? Sorry, that though just ran through my head back to me ranting on then.)

First of all, I really liked how it was overall constructed. Like they were letters between Fierceteeth and Saguaro but they also tell stories about Fierceteeth and her growing up and her life. We've never had anything like that before. The only look at life on the Nightwing's island is in Winglets assassin which I'll be talking about afterwards.

In the first long letter that Fierceteeth gives to Saguaro, we get her live growing up. And how she was jelous of Starflight before he was ever born and her relationship with her mother.

To be honest, I never paid much attention to Fierceteeth, she was just this Nightwing who wanted Glory dead so she could become Queen. But this book or I guess Winglet, gave us more depth into her which I really liked. Every dragon has thier own story, even if its not told and I'm glad we got to see Fierceteeth and who she is and not just this angry Nightwing.

Shes bold and has shown it on more than one ocassion. She called Morrowseer a lying snake, and he was like "Wait what did you say?" even though the Nightwing was much bigger and older than her. She doesn't really ever seem to be scared of anything.

The theres Fierceteeth's relationship with Starflight, which is... intresting. She doesn't seem to love him but doesn't absolutely hate him, which hey its more than I can say for me and my sister. I think its just that shes jelous of him is all. Which I guess is understanable, considering that yeah its kinda unfair that she was stuck on the island. At one point in the Winglet she says,"Well.. maybe not all dead. I'd show mercy to my brother." and I'm like "Aw thats sweet Fierceteeth." and then she says "No need to waste a Nightwing, Im sure he can be fixed."

So yeah thats Fierceteeth for you.

I actually really like Fierceteeth to be honest. Again, I never paid much attention to her before this book but after she kinda shaped up to be one of my more favorited characters. Shes very bold and outspoken, never holding her tongue, which might just be my favorite part about her. She's also ambitious which we see alot of, especially when we see her wanting to become Queen. I've always liked that theres these tough dragons but they're softies on the inside, its just hilarious. Fierceteeth is this playing the role of this tough Nightwing that is hostile but has a soft side, espically towards Strongwings.

Or only towards Stongwings really.

Fierceteeth and Strongwing's relationship is hilarious and I ship it. When Fierceteeth wrote to Saguaro saying "Its my heart and I can stick whomever I want in there." was pretty sweet and funny at the same time. Like thier first interaction had me laughing and when he took her to the Rainforest to the first time was cute. And when Strongwings said that he had wanted to see her smile my brain was just shipping it already.

About that part, did it mean he had a crush on her then or liked her? Maybe I didn't catch what Tui was trying to say but thats what it looked like to me. He started by saying he had never seen her smile before and Fierceteeth replied that everybody would feel the same way when comming to the forest. But when he said; "You're just well- you're just- you're the only Fierceteeth you know?" I'm not a people person or a dragon person, I guess. Just point is, I don't know how to read people or figure them out. But thats what it looked like from where I was standing.

Then when the two got back, only to be comfronted by Morrowseer and Deadlyclaws back at the island.(Also great name Tui, actually all Nightwings have awsome names and I'm not being sarcastic I actually love Nightwing names. Like seriously thier names goes from like cool names like Deathbriger or Deadlyclaws and then theres like night themed names like Starflight. Sorry off topic-) Strongwings took the blame for going into the Rainforest. I think that really caught Fierceteeth off guard. Well not think, we clearly saw she was not expecting that whatsoever.

It was somthing so foreign to her because she never trusted anyone, and yet theres this dragon who seemed so strange to her. He would laugh at her jokes and sarcasm like no one ever had before, and he took the fall for her even though he could have kept quiet and let her get in trouble alone. And overtime when they had to serve thier punishment, Fierceteeth started falling for him.

So that ship is 10/10 its completely adorable and you can't change my mind.

Anyhow, thats all I gotta rant on about I guess. I actually really liked this Winglet, as of writting this I haven't read the others other than Winglets assassin which I read once while I was like half asleep. So I'll read that one next cause I actually bought the Winglets Quartent on amazon so yeah now I can read it over and over.

Until next time,

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