Animus magic

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Animus genetics

There has been so few animus dragons and Tui seems to just throw them in to advance the plot, which I honestly can't blame her for. But the genetics of animus magic has always bothered me.

Lets start with Queen Diamond of the Icewings back in Darkstalker's time and 2000 years before the whole issue with the Sandwing throne. Before Diamond, Frostbite and Penguin were one of the first if not the first Icewing animus dragons (Although they are first as much as I could tell though my research). Not including the other tribe because we know Skywings had Animus dragons due to them claiming they killed them.

Queen Diamond was the mother of prince Arctic, who also inherited the power of animus magic. Arctic then had eggs with Foeslayer, which we all know to be Darkstalker and Whiteout. Even though Darkstalker didn't have eggs to pass down the animus magic, Whiteout did. But somehow just somehow, the animus magic got passed down even though Whiteout herself didn't posses it. 

Then 2000 years later POOF animus magic is there once more with Stonemover. Which is fine, the fact that 2000 years later animus magic is still passed down doesn't annoy me that much. What does kind of bother me is that between the direct dragonets of Whiteout and Stonemover there isn't an animus dragon in between. Like I've looked and the only animus dragons in Pyrriah are; Albatross, Anemone, Arctic, Darkstalker, Diomond, Fathom, Frosbite, Jebora, Jebora II, Orca, Penguin, Stonemover.

Sure, those are only dragons that we know ,because Skywings kill them, of but still. It kinda annoys me that somehow Whiteout passed the gene of animus magic down to Stonemover 2000 years later. Then if thats the case, couldnt Sunny pass it on because she a hyrid (Also then doesnt that mean that every dragon has some kind of hybrid in them? Even if its not regonizable? Maybe I should rant on about hybrids cause this could be very likley, sorry back to the rant about animus magic.)

Also, also, why not use Stonemover to create something else other than the passages? Like for the volcano to never errupt, or for there to be unlimited food on the island or for them to be healthy. Like come on, you have an animus dragon the possibilities are nearly endless. Also can an animus trick thier brain into thinking they're doing good instead of evil? What if when Stonemover was building the tunnels from the Rainforest to the Desert hes like "Well Im helping my tribe.", Well I guess thats what he thought, so nevermind on that.

Also Winter and like the whole Icewing tribe thinks that when Darkstalker killed Prince Arctic of the Icewings, that animus magic wasn't in the tribe anymore. But it clearly still is, Darkstalker didn't kill the entire royal family. We know that Icewings carefuly made sure that thier animus magic was in the Royal family and the royal family only. But if Queen Diomond had more dragonets or something then it could be passed on, or the other royal family still has that little bit of animus blood.

Also, also  I'm willing to bet that not every Icewing married and had dragonets who they weren't spoopsed to. Maybe even an animus Icewing. So maybe even 2000 years later theres a Icewing Animus somewhere. Sure maybe your saying "Oh but there wasn't an Icewing when Darkstalker summoned them all to his throne room." Sure, sure thats fair enough but the Icewings clearly don't know they have an animus, so whoever this hypothetical Icewing animus is hes trying to stay hidden, so maybe he had a protection spell like Arctic did.

Loosing your soul and Instanity

What if an animus dragon was on the brink of becoming mad, like lets say a mass murderer or somthing. But before the dragon took that turn that he did lots of good things, like saving dragons lives and you know, all that good stuff. Would thier soul be slowly turning good again or is it like once your screwed your screwed?

Is there a way to get good again? Or, are Animus dragons even more traumitized about the death they cause than normal dragons?

Because for example we see Arctic, an animus Icewing, who when escaping the Icewing Kingdom with Foeslayer killed sevreal guards accidently with enchanted spears. Before the murder of the Icewings the prince wasn't cold and such as we see him In Darkstalker legends. So we know thats the thing the changed him, the death of maybe 10 Icewings tops although I don't have an exact number.

But then looking at a non animus dragon who alos caused death, lets say Deathbringer, doesn't seem affected as much. Obviously the Nightwing assasin killed more than Prince Arctic, but he seems unaffected. He isn't cold or grumpy even, I mean his description even says "Deathbringer is charming and optimistic, he does not seem to share the grumpieness of other Nightwings in his tribe." Sure its diffrent on how we see him in Winglets assasin but its not by much.

In Winglets assasin Deathbringer seemed to always be willing to follow the rules and his orders and he had a hint of curiosity. Something he seems to still have even years later, when Glory is disguised as an Icewing. But the thing is that despite killing dragons never does he show any sign of coldness or any regret or hints of being shook by the death he caused (Again its as far as we can see, my headcannon says otherwise though.).

It really doesn't change his personality much. Maybe it was because he started killing at such a young age which is probably my guess, but maybe it has somthing to do with him not being an animus dragon.

Animus restraints

Can we talk about how there is no absolute restraints to animus magic? Like seriously, if someone like Blister has animus magic everyone is just screwed. Like we have some animus dragons that use thier power reasonably, then others that just dont care and use it recklessly.

Again, back to Blister. If someone as smart and conniving as Blister has animus magic then she would be unstoppable and everyone would be screwed. Because Blister couldn't care less about her soul, shes power hungry and smart. She would do anything to get what she wants, no matter how many dragons she has to kill or screw over (Why do I keep saying screwed..?).

There has to be some kind of restraint to animus magic, as of book 13, an animus dragon can do anything execpt bring a dragon back from the dead. Thats it. Thats the only thing an animus dragon cannot do. I feel like animus dragons should be more limited because if this kind of power is possesed by someone smart or power hungry then its going to be bad.

Well thats my rant about animus magic,
By the way, Tui confirmed that there will be no animus magic in the third arc.
Most of you proably knew that already though...
Until next time

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