Alright, lets talk about Darkstalker

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Alright before you all just start saying that hes a murderer and all that let me just explain why I want to talk about this, because 1 I got nothing to write about and 2,

I kinda want to rant on about this.

Look, I can't defend Darkstalker's actions whatsoever but people just say, "oh yeah hes evil" or "Oh but hes a good guy" and thats it. But here, I actually wanna rant on about what could have made him how he is.

Fun fact; Darkstalker used to be my favorite character. I remmember a classmate and me wrote a book in fifth grade. We were friends and he told me that his favorite charcter is Moonwatcher (because at the time I was on book like 6 or7) I tell him mine is Darkstalker. So one day we decide to write a book. And then we started writting the book in Darkstalker and Moonwatcher's point of views because they were out favorite characters.


At least I dont think so.. Look we like made like our own tribes and stuff and the charcters had diffrent personalities. Like Darkstalker did have magic but he wasn't a 2000 year old Nightwing that wanted to kill the whole Icewing tribe, or like Whitetalons. We had like actual rip offs of Tui's tribes, oh moons we were cringy, I remmember he was the one that mainly drew the pictures and stuff and I was the one that actually wrote most of the book. But he actually drew really good, he drew me this dragon it was actually really and he would draw pen too.

Anyhow, we had like Darktalons, which we nightwings. Whitetalons were Icewings and we had like foresttalons and stuff like that. I made them super overpowered too like the Darkstalons (Nightwings) has a tail barb and stuff like that. I actually found both the drawings and the books the other day. maybe I'll show them. Anyhow we actually wrote the book but I have no idea what it's about, thinking about how obsessed I was about Glorybringer it probably did have shipping in it. But then at the end of fifth grade we ended up moving to diiffrent middle schools and he actually kept the book and I kept the drawings. But yeah that was the end of us writting that book. Although I did write another book during that summer.

Sorry getting off track, back to Darkstalker.


Darkstalker was the first animus Nightwing, don't you think he would have gotten alot of, oh I don't know pressure? Don't you think he used his animus magic to impress Clearsight too? Look, I'm not at all blaming this on Clearsight. Not at all, I'm just trying to get you all to see what I'm trying to say here; I don't think Darkstalker is truely evil.

For one example; ook at how much pressure Vigilance was putting on him and Clearsight for that matter. She was trying to push him into having a way to kill more and more Icewings.

He was like a five year old dragonet!

You were trying to get him to become a mass murder at five years old, he's not an adult Vigilance. Yes some of those ideas were his, but Clearsight was the only one that tried to help him.

First of all he had all this pressure on being the first Nightwing animus ever, and because of that the Queen tried to get him to kill an entire tribe. I think thats one of the reasons why he became so messed up.


Its no secret that parents play a big part in thier children's lives. So when done correctly, parenting can lead to dragonets becoming good dragons in this case. However when grown up in a hostile or unsafe enviorment, dragonets aren't going to turn out like role models.

So lets talk about Arctic.

Could he have been a better father? Without a doubt, but I don't think it was entirely Arctic's fault. In my review of the Winglets Runaway, I noted that when Arctic killed Icewings something snapped in him. I do actually want to write something about that, because if I'm right then killing you own tribemates does something to you. I do want to go more into depth another time but not now.

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