Chapter 24

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It was a bright Saturday morning and the smell of pancakes and bacon was all over the apartment and Jordan woke up with a smile on his face despite seeing his bed empty.

His roommate Kim had spent the weekend at his girlfriend's so there was only one other person Jordan knew would be cooking breakfast that morning and his heart swelled and fluttered when he saw her in the kitchen.

The old band t-shirt of his looked oversized on Kate, her hair messy and tied away from her face as her hips swayed left and right as she danced along to Lizzo's Boys while giggling at Odin who danced beside her happily. As he watched Kate look so domestic and gorgeous, Jordan couldn't but think of how lovely it would be for that very moment to be something he'd wake up to every day.

Living in the same home as Kate, seeing her every day, cooking and eating with her, watching movies and staying up late and cuddling on a rainy day. The idea made Jordan swoon, his stomach filling up with butterflies and he felt like a kid learning about love for the very first time.

And the second that Kate saw him leaning against the wall watching her, the very moment she smiled at him so sweet and bright, Jordan was sure of it. He had never been more sure in his entire life than that very moment.

Jordan would lay his life for Kate, live out the rest of his days with her and only her.

The smile on Kate's face made Jordan's body move on it's own, going up to Kate and capturing her in a deep kiss while pressing her flush against him.

"Well, good morning to you too." Kate giggled, her cheeks a little flushed with blush.

Jordan smiled and chuckled, "Seeing you made my morning even better, baby."

"That's sweet. But I know something that will make it even better." Kate smiled excitedly.

You spread out on the table for me? - Okay, it's eight in the fucking morning, Jordan. Chill out.

The beeping of the waffle machine made Kate squeal in delight, "I made waffles!" She bounced out of his arms to grab the waffles to put it in the rest of the stack already cooked.

Excitedly the doberman waited bouncing beside Kate hoping for some of the waffle to fall down for him to catch while she and Jordan set the table for breakfast.

"Odin, no, down boy." Jordan scolded with a snicker when he saw the dog trying to reach for the bowl of berries on the table.

Kate tutted, taking the bowl and smiling when Odin came up to her happily, "Oh hush. He just wants some breakfast. Don't you, Odin? Yeah, berries are good aren't they? Jordan's being mean and doesn't want you to have any." She cooed, playfully pouting at Jordan who watched his dog shower Kate with loving dog licks every time she'd feed him a strawberry.

Jordan pouted childishly and huffed, "I never knew I'd be jealous that my dog gets more attention than me."

Giggling, Kate petted and scratched Odin one more time before straightening up and going to Jordan and kissing the pout of his lips before smiling teasingly.

"All better now, baby?" She hummed.

Grabbing her waist and pulling her closer, Jordan smirked while Kate's smile widened when he leaned in, "One more." He mused and kissed her.

The two would've lost each other in the kiss for a little while longer if it wasn't for Odin calling for their attention, wanting to eat already making them laugh, Kate resting her head on Jordan's shoulder while he kissed her temple lovingly.

Eating breakfast, Kate and Jordan happily talked, telling each other stories of when they were younger or stories about their friends throughout the years. And as Jordan watched Kate fix herself up another place ot waffles drenched in syrup and berries, he couldn't help but smile with smitten eyes and take her glory in.

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