Chapter 11

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Water ran down her head to her toes as a dazed off Kate stood in the shower, staring at nothing as images from last night replayed in her mind. More specifically the last bits of her date with Jordan.

Kate has imagined what it would be like to kiss Jordan once in a while, but last night was nothing like she's ever thought it could be. She imagined her kiss with Jordan, her first kiss atleast, to be sweet and slow. The romantic and passionate kiss in the rain feeling.

But last night, oh last night was different. Kate didn't think Jordan was capable of anything like that last night. From the moment she's met him Jordan was all sugar and everything nice, no spice, no heat, no surprises.

Who would've thought he could be the complete opposite of his sweet prince charming appearance. It was like a beast was hidden beneath those sunshine smiles, just waiting in hunger to be released, waiting to devour something to it's heart's content.

But the way he kissed her, so torridly, so aggressively, it truly was unforgettable. Even from the moment she slept to the moment she woke up, her lips still tingled from their kiss and it made her want more. More of his breathtaking kisses, more of his hands squeezing at her hips, more of Jordan Turner.

Kate never thought she could be attracted this much to a person. Hell, her first kiss with her ex wasn't even as nerve wracking as the kiss she shared with Jordan.

"Hey, you alright in there?" Leigh knocked on the bathroom door, startling Kate and pulling her out of her thoughts that were starting to fill up with impurities the more she thought of Jordan's lips on hers and his hands wandering her body.

"Ah yeah! Sorry, I'm almost out." She hollered, switching the water temperature to an icy cold when she realised it wasn't the water that was heating up her skin any longer.

A quick soak in cold water, Kate got out and got dressed, her mind drifting off now and then as Jordan Turner kept filling her mind, before heading to the apartment across theirs for breakfast.

"You look like you had fun last night." Camille teased while she stacked pancakes on her plate.

"Oh my god, what happened?"

"Did you guys kiss?"

"Have sex?"

"Tell us everything, bitch!" The girls smiled excitedly as they sat around the table looking like the knights of the round table.

But instead of fighting off dragons and magic and dressing in chainmail and metal armour, these girls fought off fuck boys and low grades while dressed in heels.

Kate smiled a goofy smile and she sighed as she sat down between Mae and Leigh, "Where do I start? It was so great."

"Start from the top, you hoe. Come on, spill." Mae rolled her eyes with a teasing grin.

Kate shot a playful glare before smiling widely, "Well for starters, we didn't have sex. He brought me home after the date ended. And at the start of the date, he took me to the zoo."

The girls listened and sometimes slipped in a teasing remark or a dirty joke during Kate's story, the big smile on her lips couldn't be wiped away as she remembered the events of her date.

"And then he took me up this hill and we stargazed. I didn't even expect Jordan to do anything like that! If anything I thought he'd be like most guys that just takes you to the amusement park or the movies or some shit."

"Well now you know that Jordan isn't like most guys." Iris quipped, "I mean, the zoo was partly our suggestion when he asked about places you like. But that's about it, the stargazing shit was all his idea."

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