Chapter 4

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Thirty minutes left and Kate was starting to feel nervous even though she reminded herself it wasn't anything special this date. It was just two friends going out to dinner, just having fun. Nothing romantic, totally platonic.

So then why was Kate double checking her makeup, making sure her outfit was nice even though she was just wearing jeans and a nice chic looking sweater and some ankle boots.

"So still thinking this isn't anything more than a friendly date, huh?" Camille snickered, lounging in her bed, watching Kate fix her hair in the mirror for the fourth time.

"It is. Can't I be nervous even if it's just a friend date? I still wanna look nice you know." Kate scoffed.

Camille chuckled and raised her hands in surrender, getting up from Kate's bed and walking to the door, "Alright, whatever you say."

Soon enough, Jordan was up and infront of apartment 19 and knocking three times. While waiting for the door to open, he had already checked his breath, his clothes and wiped his nervous hands down his pants two times.

Finally the door swung open revealing a smiling Leigh, "Hey, Jordan, right?"

"Hi, yeah, that's me." Jordan smiled brightly at her.

"I'm Leigh, one of Kate's friends and roommate." Leigh returned the smile and shook his extended hand, "Come in, she'll be out in a few."

At the sound of a male in the living room, Camille went out of her room and spotted Jordan, "Kate, Jordan's here, get your ass out here!" She called, chuckling when Jordan flinched at her loud yell in surprise, "It's nice to finally meet you, Jordan. I'm Camille."

"Hey, yeah, it's great to meet you too. Now I've officially met all the girls in her life she's always talked about." Jordan chuckled, glad that the two were atleast easing his nervousness away a little.

"With our history, what's there not to talk about." Camille snickered, a grin on her face.

Finally Kate emerges from her room, swinging a bag on her shoulder and putting on a smile when their eyes meet, "Hey, Jordan. Hope you didn't wait too long." Kate smiled, sauntering into the living room where he sat on the couch.

"Nah, I had Leigh and Camille keep me company." Jordan grinned and got up from his seat.

"Alright you two, don't stay out too late." Leigh went beside Camille, grinning a little cheekily.

Jordan chuckled and nodded as Kate led them to the door, "I'll bring her home before twelve."

"Make sure you do." Camille played along.

Kate rolled her eyes, blushing in embarrassment and pushing Jordan out the door, "Alright already. I'll see you guys later."

"Have fun!"

"Use a condom!" Kate shut the door a little too loudly just as Camille yelled out the last part and she could hear them laughing inside.

"Your friends sure are a fun mix." Jordan laughed at her blushing face.

"Ugh, let's just go already. It's going to be worse if the other three sees us." Kate groaned, not wanting Mae, Iris and Elisha to catch them or else the three would just tease the hell out of them much more than Camille and Leigh did.

Getting in his car, thanking Jordan for opening the door for her, Kate asked where they were headed first, "Well I was thinking we could eat first. I made reservations at this Italian place."

"Ooh, that sounds good." Kate hummed, her mind immediately filling of the kinds of food she could order.

I'll definitely get some pasta. Maybe garlic bread too? Ooo yeah, garlic bread too.

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