Chapter 26

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There was always something with the cold weather that made people sleepy and lazier than usual. Yawning, Kate went up to her locker, a tall cup of coffee warming her hand, and her eyes caught the bright yellow note on the metal door.

 Don’t forget to smile during stressful times, beautiful :) - P.s, good luck with finals

Kate couldn’t help but giggle, even the mysterious writer of the notes was fully aware of how stressful exams could be. Admittedly, after everything that’s been going on lately, seeing the note gave Kate a refreshing feeling.

Pocketing the note, she opened her locker to put her stuff inside only to find another note waiting for her. At the sight of the hand writing, Kate’s smile vanished and was replaced by a frown.

 Can we please talk? - J

“I’m too busy for this shit..” She grumbled, crumpling the paper up and tossing it in the trashcan she passed by on her way to class.

Jordan had tried calling her phone nonstop, text messages and voicemails and missed calls blowing up her phone to the point that Kate had to turn it off for a few hours just to be able to study in peace.

Not like peace was even an option seeing as Kate found it hard to focus on her studying and reviewing when all her mind could think about was why Jordan would even agree on such a bet. Why was the bet made in the first place? Was it all a game to him? Was it all just to win?

 Was everything he said and did all for the sake of the bet?

Numerous questions filled her mind that Kate wanted to ask but at the same time she felt scared to know the truth. 

Walking into her next class Kate had to push all thoughts regarding Jordan to the back of her mind, willing herself to focus on exams. Seeing as Kate had sat in that one seat the whole semester, her eyes automatically looked over to the fifth row and spotted Jordan already there, obviously waiting for her.

He saw her, their eyes met but Kate quickly looked away and headed to the other side of the classroom, far away from Jordan whose hopeful face fell with a heavy frown when she so blatantly avoided him.

 Their professor came in, started the class and handed out the exam papers and immediately the classroom quieted down with a thick layer of serious concentration amongst the students.

It took Kate an hour and a half to finish her exam and after handing it over she hurriedly left the classroom, wanting another caffeine drink even though that was her last test for the day.

 “Exams’ that bad?” She heard Sam’s voice from behind her as she stood in line at the little coffee booth.

“Bad is an understatement. I’m exhausted as hell.” Kate chuckled, “How about you?”

“I’ve been studying stats all week and I still didn’t know what the hell to write down on the test.” Sam gave a carefree laugh, adjusting the beanie he wore on his head.

Being her boyfriend for two years, Sam had picked up on Kate’s expressions and emotions pretty well that even now he could tell she was stressing over something else aside from exams.

 “So, aside from exams, what else has been bothering you?” Sam chimed with a knowing smile as he paid for both their drinks before Kate could even fish out her debit card and the two went to sit at a table.

“What do you mean?”

Sam chuckled, it was obvious Kate was just feigning her confused look, “I can tell if there’s something wrong with you, Kate. Or did you forget we dated for two years?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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