Chapter 1

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Hey guys! So I'd like to present my newest story Peach Kisses which is the start of a new series I am working on. A little warning that there will be mature scenes in the story so just look out for that. Other than that, enjoy and feel free to vote and comment.


The college bar was buzzing with music and strobe lights flickered every which way. College students flooded the place and everywhere you'd see groups of cliques and squads of every kind and in a booth in one side of the bar sat a set of six girls who couldn't be any more different yet all the same.

From the far left sat a curvaceous woman clad in a form fitting navy blue dress that showed off her figure in just the right places, swiping away strays of her wavy chestnut red hair from her face. Iris Monica Delgrosso is one of the feisty and sassy mixes of their group, always up for a party and has a never ending list of boys trying to get a piece of her.

 Rachel Mae Thompson sat beside her, the shortest of the bunch yet what she lacked in height, she repays with voluptuous hips and an ass that'll make heads turn. The ultimate definition of Small but Terrible, Mae will talk the living shit out of anyone who dares to pick a fight with her or her friends and could send anyone running for the hills with the amount of information she can find about them.

Kate Marinette Ambrose sat in the middle of the bunch, her quiet and meek appearance made her look a little too innocent to be a part of such a rambunctious group but her adventurous and surprisingly crazy ideas that tend to get the girls either drunk and wasted, or somewhere on the planet proves that she is just a perfect addition to their tight knit group of crazy.

 Next to her is the other innocent looking member of the group, Leigh Malorie Norman, the youngest of them all and the most vanilla when it comes to relationships. With her usual calm and focused personality, Leigh tends to be the buffer when it comes to setting the line between dangerous and adventurous. That is unless it was her idea, then that line just disappears all together.

 Camille Fiona Gilles, now she's one of the odd cases. A hopeless romantic at heart, with a first love she couldn't forget, add that with a spunky personality and witty tongue, you get a whole new level of sassy that perfectly matches her sexy mistress appeal. 

And lastly, the sharp tongued and headstrong member of their group, Elisha Jenna Smith. Expect that you get no sugar coated words from her and that she can and will cuss you the hell out whenever and wherever. With a dangerous smile and mischievous mind this girl might just be the devil of the group.

 Usually on their drinking nights, these girls would spend their time dancing their asses off, drinking till they can see stars and eating until the next morning. But not this time as they were all huddled together as they listened to their heartbroken friend spill some tea.

  "So you really broke up?"

 "But I thought you said you'll just talk it out." Asked Camille and Mae.

The young woman let out a sigh as she swirled the straw in her Long Island iced tea with a sad frown on her face, "We did talk, breaking up was a decision we both made. It just isn't working anymore."

 Her friends shared looks and frowned sympathetically and remained in solemn silence for only a second as it was immediately broken by the bespectacled woman who raised her martini up in the air.

 "Well screw him then! Forget about that guy and just drink to your heart's content, Kate. We are not going home until we get a smile on that face of yours." Elisha exclaimed loudly, "So you better get your game on bitch because we are getting wasted tonight!"

 Kate let out a small breath of a laugh when her friends cheered in agreement and proceeded to order more drinks and shots for their table. She was thankful for girls like them, who always managed to bring their group up whenever someone was feeling blue.

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