Chapter 16

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After doing a little celebration for winning their third game of Beer pong, Kate excused herself to the kitchen to let herself sober up a little, having been filled to the brim with beer and vodka and tequila.

 Drinking from her water bottle, she noticed Sam coming her way from the corner of her eye, giving her a friendly smile.

 “Hey.” He chirped.

“Hey.” Kate nodded, watching him stand in front of her as he leaned against the kitchen island.

 Silence occupied the two for a while, just the loud music and the even louder crowd around them. Kate fiddled with her water bottle, not really wanting to stare at Sam in silence, unlike Sam who was taking his time looking at her.

 “You look well.” Sam spoke up, finally breaking the silence.

Glancing at him, Kate shrugged, “You don’t look bad yourself.”

Chuckling, Sam flashed her an adoring smile with soft eyes, “You look beautiful, Kate.”

Her fingers paused from scratching out the logo tape on her water bottle, his words making her remember the numerous times he’s said sweet things to her back then and for a moment Kate had to bite her tongue back in order to not say anything rude.

 “Thank you.” Kate answered shortly.

"Mm, just thought I’d let you know like back in the days.” Sam gave a reminiscent smile that Kate’s eyebrows scrunched at.

 The woman eyed her ex, wondering why he was there in the first place, “What are you doing here?”

“I was invited by a few friends. They know the dj and --”

“I meant here in the kitchen, Sam. Why are you talking to me right now?” Kate cut him off sharply, swiping away the innocent smile on his face as she showed him a blank expression.

 Sam’s smile was turned into a lopsided grin although a little sheepish. He scratched the back of his head as he looked at her, “Well to be honest I didn’t know you were here until I saw you girls back there playing beer pong. I guess I just wanted to see how you were doing.”

 “I’m doing very well as you can see. If that’s all you wanted then you can leave and stop fishing for a conversation from me.” Kate snarkily snapped at him as irritation bubbled in the pit of her gut a little.

She didn’t know why she was getting irritated, but everything about him just reminded her of their break up. His lazy grins, charming smiles, boyish looks and bubbly attitude. It all made Kate remember the bitter separation they did.

 Seeing the woman’s expression, Sam’s laid back smile fell a little and he smiled sadly at her. He knew why Kate was acting that way, and he completely understood why.

 “I’m sorry.”

Kate’s eyes widened a little and she turned to the man in surprise, not sure if she really did hear him apologise or not, but there he was, looking at her with sincere eyes and a small smile.

 “What I did, the break up, I’m sorry for all that.” Sam continued, “After we broke up I realised how stupid it was to let go of you just because we fought often. When we broke up, I found myself looking for those arguments, thinking that I’d rather argue with you every day if it meant that I could still have you by my side.”

Her heart raced, Kate clenched her jaw and cursed herself for still feeling such things for Sam. When they broke up Kate promised herself and to her friends that she wouldn’t want to get back together with Sam no matter how good they had it before their fall out.

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