Chapter 8

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Kate giggled at Jordan's joke as the two walked around the trail park with Odin not far off. It was a weekend and Jordan invited Kate out the other day for a walk in the park which turned out to be a picnic after Kate brought some food and drinks.

"I remember back in high school, we would go and walk around town or trail parks like this during the summer." Kate smiled as she looked around the park surrounded by trees.

"Really? I didn't think you girls would like hiking. Although you guys look like you can get into anything really." Jordan snickered, whistling when Odin got a little too far away.

Kate nodded with a small laugh, "Hiking was a part of our summer adventures, walking or going on drives till sun down. We don't look like it but we like our fair share of nature too."

Reaching the top of the hill in the trail park where a lookout point was with a bench, Kate went by the railing and marvelled at the stretch of the view in front of her.

It was already afternoon and the sun was almost setting, the sky streaked in glows of oranges and pinks and reds as it made way for the night sky. The breeze was just the perfect mix of warmth that was cool to the touch but not enough to make you shiver.

"It looks so beautiful up here." Kate mused, smiling to herself as she took in the sun set view.

Jordan, who was standing beside her and gazing at her as she smile with adoration, smiled and nodded, "Yeah, really gorgeous."

Kate turned her head and locked eyes with him, feeling her heart jump at the intensity of his stare. When he moved closer to her, she expected herself to back away, but instead her feet were planted firmly on the ground as Kate waited for Jordan's next move.

Just keeping her eyes locked with his, waiting with a racing heart and excitement in her bones as Jordan stood closer, toe to toe, and brushed away her hair that kept whipping in her face because of the wind and keeping his hand cupping her jaw and Kate absentmindedly tilted her face up.

Slowly Jordan leaned in and Kate felt her breath hitch, her hands against his chest and clumping the fabric of his shirt as she closed her eyes.

Their lips were only a whisper away and Jordan couldn't wait to feel her lips against his. It was something he had been wishing for, dreaming about, and longing for for ages. Now it was going to happen.

And excitedly and nervously, Jordan finally moved to close the gap between their lips. But instead of feeling Kate's soft lips, he was met with a tongue licking up to his nose.

What? Jordan reeled away with wide eyes.

Eyebrows furrowed he found Kate leaning closer and trying to slobber him again and suddenly barking.

The barking grew louder and Jordan's eyes burst open as he was met with Odin's face as the dog licked him out of his sleep.

"Ugh, Odin, no. Down, boy." Jordan grunted as he nudged the doberman off him and wiped dog saliva off his face.

Realising what happened, Jordan heaved a breath and ran his hand through his hair. It was just a dream. Nothing but a figment of his imagination and desires.

And he was so happy to finally get to kiss her too.

Sitting up, he felt a familiar feeling below him and rolled his eyes at the tent down his shorts, "Ah shit." He cursed, scolding himself for thinking of Kate first thing in the morning.

"Hey dude, you awake?" Kim said, knocking on his door, "You got class today, right?"

Getting up from his bed, he grabbed his phone and a bath towel and trudged to his door where he saw Kim still standing there with an apron on that said 'Kiss the Chef'.

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