Chapter 13

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"Thanks for driving me home." Kate smiled and spoke softly, minding the sleeping neighbours of their apartment.

Jordan smiled and shook his head, "I'd keep you until tomorrow but I know your girls will hunt me down if I do that without you telling them first."

It was already past two am when they woke up after their tiring session and Kate's phone was blowing up with missed calls and texts from her friends wondering where the hell could she be, worried that she might be in trouble or something. Luckily Jordan's roommate Kim was a heavy sleeper so both of them had no worries about sneaking out and getting caught, unbeknownst to the two of them that he already knew hours ago.

"Well I'll see you at school, okay?"

"Alright, get some sleep, it's still early." Jordan smiled brightly at her.

Kate stood by, wanting to see Jordan off when he stopped and turned around and started walking back to her.

"I forgot something." Jordan grinned at the confused Kate.

"What is it?"

Grabbing her face, Jordan pulled her closer and captured her lips in a passionate kiss that took her breath away, her knees buckling whenever Jordan would pull her close to him.

Slowly pulling away, Jordan smiled softly and whispered against her lips, "Goodbye kiss, I forgot to give you."

"If that's what I get whenever you leave I don't mind you doing it often." Kate giggled breathlessly, a little starry eyed from the kiss.

Stepping away from her, Jordan smiled sweetly, "Good night, Kate."

"Good night Jordan." She smiled and watched him walk away, this time without turning back.

Quietly, Kate entered her apartment and was thankful that it was still a school day so the girls weren't up till god knows how long and was instead fast asleep in their rooms. As soon as she got inside her bedroom and shut the door quietly, her lips broke into a giddy smile, like a child on Christmas morning excited to open up presents from Santa.

Her body still felt tingly and the images of Jordan fresh in her mind, the way his lips moved against hers, the way his touch felt on her skin. Kate felt like a preschooler finding love for the first time, although Kate was sure this one wasn't love, atleast not yet, but it sure was exciting.

Jordan Turner was exciting. Kate knew that after this, things between her and the man with smiles brighter than the sun would change, she only hoped it would be for the better.

That morning Kate made sure to wake up before the two others and shower first, the hickies staining her skin surprising her for a second, not expecting to have so much on her body.

Didn't peg Jordan to like hickies so much.. Kate thought in astonishment, maybe she does really bring out a different side of Jordan as he told her. Although that didn't seem like a problem for Kate, if anything it excited her even more.

After getting dressed and making sure to wear a shirt that covered most of her neck, atleast enough to cover the marks on her skin that was peaking out for the people to notice, Kate headed to the other apartment for breakfast, unaware of the girls waiting to bombard her with questions and shit eating grins.

Because as much as Kate thought the girls wouldn't be aware, Kim had already informed them from when he came home yesterday to hear them screaming from Jordan's bedroom and was quick to text the girls who's numbers he acquired from that one night they all went drinking.

"Morning, girls." Kate smiled as she walked in the kitchen that smelled like breakfast food.

"Good morning." Iris beamed, the smile on her lips so wide it could beat Batman's Joker, "So how was last night?"

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