Chapter 18 "Mud fight"

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"’re like adopting us?" asked Marina a bit excided.

"Yep" said Sigyn as Marina was wrestling Loki.

Marina stopped and smiled at them both "This is cool, I’m being adopted" she smiled.

"I'm glad you’re taking it well unlike 'somebody else'." Sigyn glared at Loki.

He rolled his eyes and frowned. Marina saw this and tackled him to the ground. Sigyn giggled as Loki hit the gorund with force from Marina’s tackle. He groaned in pain as she elbowed him in the chest.

Very strong for a three year old, thought Sigyn.

"I got you again" giggled Marina.

"Yes.....again" sighed Loki.

"Damn bro" said Sigyn "You've got to get in more shape, its bad when you find out that a three year old is kicking your ass"

Loki glared at her "i am in shape, but don't want to hurt her"

"Whoa, the god of mischief, not wanting to hurt a little girl?" asked Skylar with a smirk "The guy that wasn't afraid to blow up all of Midgard? Dude, your just using that to cover up, you mewling quim" She said quoting him.

"How do you know about th-"

"Tasha" said Sigyn cutting Loki off "She told me and i thought i would call you that"

"It doesn't exactly work to well as an insult to me" said Loki.

"Yes is does because you’re a woman" said Skylar.

Loki shot an intense glare at her.

"I'm going to see what Thor is doing" said Marina as she smiled and she skipped out of the tent.

"Take that back!" hissed Loki "Besides, what proof do you have that i am a woman?"

"Um, well, let's go down the list shall we" said Sigyn "Well first off you’re wimpy like most 'Barbie's', your pathetic and let’s not forget what the Norse think about you"

"The what?" asked Loki confused.

"Oh, you don't know about the Norse people and how they think of you" said Skylar.

"Well how you know?" asked Loki.

"I was stationed there with Clint when we were doing some undercover stuff" said Sigyn "But anyway, what they think is actually quite disturbing!"

"Like what?" asked Loki.

"Do you REALLY want to know?" asked Sigyn.

"Well, half of me does and the other half is worried it will be scared for life" said Loki.

"Then i won't say anything because i got scared for life when i found this out!" shivered Skylar "But, they say that you’re a woman and that's all I’m saying"

"They what" frowned Loki.

"They think you’re a woman" said Sigyn.

"Do i look like a girl to you!?" he asked.

"Maybe..."smirked Skylar.


Jane chuckled as she watched to two of them arguing about Norse mythology. Marina was helping Darcy with the weapon building as Jane was measuring liquid for the orbs that were to be placed in the weapons.

"They fight like an old married couple" she said to Thor who was right next to her.

"Yes......what are they fighting about this time?" he asked.

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