Chapter 9 "God of Mischief in love?"

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Loki had never been so happy. It was like the good part of his childhood he was living all over again. He and Skylar have always got along from a young age. Though he wondered why Odin had him and Thor only visit the season's kingdom and not others. He shook that thought away as him and Skylar were doing what they would normally do when they were children, look up at the stars and count the constellations in the sky. He sighed as Skylar pointed out a few constellations from Earth that could be seen from the season’s realm.

"See" she said pointing to the sky "It's called the big dipper; you can see it a little bit better on earth"

"Cool" sighed Loki. There was a lot on his mind.

Skylar looked at him worried.

"You okay?" she asked.

"y-yeah, I’m fine, i just have allot on my mind" he said.

"Like what?" asked Skylar?

"Well.....what if we die?" he said "In battle"

"That won't happen" she said.


"Because, you’re the god of mischief and you can just teleport or make copies of yourself" she said.

'What about you?" he asked.

"Well......if i die, i die a warrior’s death" she said.

Loki stared into her hazel eyes deeply. He tuned out the rest of the conversation just staring at her eyes. Skylar looked at him funny. He didn’t have that dumb smile that guy usually have when staring at a girl. It was more of just a calm and cute stare.

"Loki are you okay, you seem out of it today" she said.

Loki was shot back to reality and blinked a couple of times.

"Yes, i think i just need sleep" he said.

"I think so too because your spacing out, and that's not like you" she said.

"Yeah, i think I’ll be a bit better in the morning" he replied with a bit of a chuckle in his voice.

"Okay, so I’ll see you in the morning i guess" she said.

"Yes" he said.

'Well goodnight frosty" she said as she stood up and left to the castle.

Loki sighed and landed on his back on the soft grass. He looked up at the stars and sighed. Skylar has changed, a lot. There was something different about her that made Loki swoon. He couldn't like her, could he? As these thought were racing through his head Thor's head popped up and looked down at him. Loki jumped and quickly stood up.

"Oh my god Thor" said Loki as he put his hand on his chest as his heart was beating fast "Don't do that!"

"Sorry brother" said Thor with a bit of a smile.

Loki rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to bed" he said as he stood up and started to walk away off the grassy meadow.

"Wait" said Thor as he grabbed Loki's wrist "I want to talk to you about something"

Loki glared at him "About what?"

Loki knew he shouldn't have asked that but he did anyway. Thor looked at Loki and smiled.

"Well.....i saw you looking at Skylar-"

"No, no, no, no, no, no" said Loki "It's not like that"

"Well it looked like it" said Thor.

Loki glared at his brother.

"Look i saw the way you looked at her, you love her" said Thor.

"Please stop" said Loki.

"Do want me to keep saying how much you love her?" taunted Thor.

"Do you want me to kill you?" snapped Loki.

"Oooooooo" cooed Thor "You have it bad, you’re in love"

"And your an idiot" hissed Loki "She's a friend and only will be a friend"

Loki stormed off to his room. How dare Thor say that Loki was in love! He was not; he was just trying to get to know sky again after being away from her for ten years. This wasn't love, no, it was friendship. And besides, Loki had no time to fall for a woman to swoon and moon over; he had more important things to deal with. Thor sighed as Loki took off running.

"He likes her" was all Thor said.

"NO I DON'T" Shouted Loki from across the field.

Thor rolled his eyes and walked off to his chamber...

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