Chapter 20 "Shocking Secret"

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Skylar still hadn't gotten over the shock of went down a few days ago. She wondered if it was a dream and she had some sort of illusion or what. Thor, Loki and the rest of the warriors had returned on a successful mission. They had retrieved warriors from almost everywhere now and the army seemed big enough to battle the dark elves head on but......Odin had fallen sick.....terribly sick. Everyone worries that he may not make it through the battle. Valond is trying all he knows to heal him’s like there's something that he needs to say or something in order to recover. Skylar sat beside the All-father along with Thor who was completely distraught about his father’s condition. Skylar was only here because she didn't want to welcome her sister back home after she had left to Midgard for some odd reason. Skylar looked up slightly at Thor and Valond who were sitting right across from her.

"Is he going to be okay?" asked Skylar worried.

Valond looked up at his little sister and sighed "I-I honestly don't know Sky....."

"He's got to be okay" said Thor trying to reassure himself "It’s just a little cold....that’s all"

"Thor....Sigyn" said Odin looking at the two of them "I believe that I have kept this too long from you both.....the sickness of lies never heals unless the truth is told"

Valond looked shocked, like he had never heard such thing.

"What father?" asked Thor "What have you kept from us?"

"Oh my god, were not related are we?!" gasped Sigyn "I didn't know I was adopted!"

"Calm down" said Odin "Your not adopted....but......" Odin sighed leaving Valond, Thor and Skylar on edge of what he was going to say "A few years ago......Giald was worried about Skylar.....about her not becoming a queen and such because she was too much like a warrior..."

"Yes...." said Skylar cringing "Go on...."

"And Giald and I had.......had arranged for you to marry Thor when you turned the age of sounded like a great plan at first but.......I can't change it.....I wrote it down in law and I guess its been eating at me since I’ve seen Skylar and Loki together more and Thor and Jane......" Said Odin.

"WHAT!?" Thor and Skylar shouted Shocked as if they had a heart attack.

"Father how could you behind our backs!" boomed Thor.

"We were children, we had no clue" said Skylar "We can't get.....married" Shivered Skylar at the thought of marring Thor.

"Unfortunately it is laid down in law..." said Odin "I wish I could change it"

" there anything that might prove otherwise?" asked Skylar.

"I'm sorry.....but it is law" said Odin.

Thor and Skylar shot up out of their seats and stood in shock. How could Odin keep this from them, both of their parents? Skylar barley thought of Thor as a friend, and now she found out she was going to marry him! Valond showed them out of the room to talk while Odin took a nap.

"What did he mean by......maturity?" asked Thor.

"When we get older like now" said Skylar in a shaky voice.

"I-I can't believe this" said Thor "I-I can't marry offense"

"None taken, I’d rather marry a horse than you" said Skylar.

"Or my brother" mumbled Thor under his breath.

"Do you want me to stab you in the heart right now?" challenged Skylar as she heard Thor's comment.

"I’d rather you would not" he said.

"How do we get out of this mess" said Skylar.

"We can't disobey the is law and if it’s broken......" said Thor trailing off.

"Death penalty" whispered Skylar spaced out at what might happen if they break the law.

"We'll have to think of a way out of it" said Thor "We'll have a little time because I highly doubt that they'll marry us during war....."

"How do I break this to your brother?" asked Skylar.

"You don't" said Thor.

"But I tell him everything, plus he can read minds and can read me better than anyone else!" said Skylar.

"If he finds out we'll have even more trouble to deal with" said Thor "His anger and rage are dangerous, if we want to basically kill ourselves then-"

"Well if your brother kills us then we won't have to get married" said Skylar.

Thor glared at her "’s not worth it...."

"Wait, if we get married, can we like get a divorce or something?" asked Skylar.

"Divorce? I don't understand" asked Thor.

"It’s when two people who are married suddenly don't want to be with each other, they get a divorce, and usually they get remarried to someone else afterwards once they are no longer married to that person" said Skylar.

"I wish mortal laws worked on Asgard" said Thor "If they did, we could just do that....but..."

"It was just and idea" said Skylar.

"I have to go and arrange some training for the warriors; we'll discuss this later and figure out what to do with this problem" said Thor.

"Agreed" laughed Skylar nervously. Thor left her alone as she stood there scared out of her mind. If she doesn't do something soon....she might spend the rest of her life with him. It pained her enough to not tell anyone, but it hurt the worst when Thor specifically told her not to tell Loki, who would find out anyway. She sighed, how would she be able to keep this from him? Her best friend? This could tear everyone's lives apart if they didn't figure out a way to stop this from happening......

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