Chapter 11 "I will fit in, even if i have to throw a shard"

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    Skylar took a while to get dressed. Thinking about her issues, one to get over the dilemma from running into Loki almost naked and having her sisters tease her about it and second, because she didn't want to leave her room and have her father snap and pick at every little thing she would do that he didn't like in training. She sighed and opened the doors and walked out to the pavilion were the warriors were. She sighed as some warrior’s were talking and bragging about their new armor and battle outfit they have received. She rolled her eyes and kept walking, with her head held high. She walked up to Fallon, Dialan, Valond and her father who were now talking with Odin, Sif and Thor. Loki was right by them and was the only one who noticed Skylar there. Skylar stood there, as her family was talking about battle plans. She tapped her foot impatiently.

"We should attack the northern border" said Thor "And take them by surprise"

"But we need more warriors" said Odin "You'll be crushed"

"I'll take Loki and Sif with me and see if we can get any other realms to help us" said Thor.

"Well i-"

"You may not get there in time" said Dialan cutting Skylar off.

"What if they've attacked the other realms as well?" asked Fallon.


"I don't think so" said Thor Cutting Skylar off.

Skylar frowned as they still had not noticed her.

"I think we should check the other realms anyway" said Giald.

"So you’re taking Loki and Sif?" asked Valond.

"I coul-"

"Yes" said Thor.

Skylar grew pissed and threw an ice shard that flew past the discussing warriors and hit the back of the castle stone walls. Everyone looked at Skylar shocked.

"Nice to know that I’m involved, now good day" hissed Skylar as curtseyed and stormed off.

She walked down the green hill and was fuming red. Her eyes were silver and her hand was white and started to cover in ice. Loki ran up behind her and grabbed her icy wrist; she threw his hands off of her and slowed her pace.

"What was that?" he asked sternly pointing back to shocked Thor, Sif, Giald, Odin, Dialan, Valond and Fallon.

Skylar didn't look at him "Just letting my family that i exist"

"Well you didn't have to do it like that" pointed out Loki.

Skylar stopped dead in her tracks, turned around and glared at Loki.

"You would have too if they were treating you like you were invisible" she snapped gazing into his emerald eyes.

"Well, yes but-"

"There, anyway I’m coming with you, Thor and Sif to the other realms to gather more warriors" said Skylar as she tightened her black, finger cut gloves and walked off.


"I'll meet you three at the portal gate in five minutes" she said cutting Loki off.

Skylar was determined to go, nothing was stopping her.

I'm going no matter what, Thought Skylar as she crossed the green covered field...

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