part 33

364 11 4

A/N My tattoo/\ is it cute? ANYWAYS.


I ran out to my car and started it. Where could he be...

Starting my car and pulling out the drive way I hit my other car. Shit...

I keep going and with no doubt I speeded into the highway to the police station I go.

The traffic stopped me. I got out of my car and locked it and started running.

My feet hurt..

Should I stop?

I ran and ran untill my vision got blurry and everything went red.

I yelled as the police station was right in front. Please HELP

Officer:call an ambulance!

Nat:no no no please he needs help Jaden hossler....
I said before passing out and hitting my  head hard on the ground.

I passed out.

Jaes POV:

It's been a while since I last saw Natalie. You might wonder what's happen. The rumors about my death... If I was still alive?

The sad part is that I saw "my own funeral" happen.

That was one of the officers body...

I'm Jaden hossler...

I'm a Rockstar....

I have a kid....

To be on point a daughter

I have a girlfriend....

I live in La with them.

I have tattoos..


He smelled like piss.

Guy 2: James tie him up it's beating time.

James:when are we ganna kill him jack?

Jack: he has one week to live each day getting more painful then the last.
He grins and chuckles licking his knife.

James:what's wrong? Jae got his mind working?🥺

He laughs louder than jack making me jump

I hold in my tears.... I'm a Rockstar.....


Jae:oh shit where am I ?


I got out of my hospital bed and ran to her room seeing her small body shake as she needs air.

Jae: No no baby stay with me.. I say in pain as I was still recovering.

I hold her close as her monitor goes faster and faster. I do CPR hoping she will slow down and breath.

Jae:babe stay with me Eve you can do this...

She slows down.

Why isn't there any doctors...

More importantly who did this?

I put her air tube in and hold her hand.

Jaden:I love you Everligh Hossler... More then I love myself you need to stay strong for me and mommy she wants to see you..

Her skin is warm.

A guy comes in.

Looks like he's 30. Dressed as a doctor.

Jack: I heard you needed help we got attached and we need to get you guys out of here!.

I Trusted him..

He put a blanket on her and touched her warm skin.

Jack:oo she's... Soft...

I looked at him and tried taking her away from him.

Jack:no no it's ok I won't hurt her. Follow me..

We walk down the hallway and all you see is blood on the walls and dead bodies. Bones in the beds and skin on the couches.

It smelled bad.

James: did you get them?

Jack:yes let's go.

James takes Eve and Jack punches me.

I knocked out.

James: now it's time to take this air mask thing off of this bitch

He says taking off Eve's life support.

Jack:I thought you well


*End of throwback*

I was kidnapped.....

But why would they want me....

What did we do wrong?

*Blood fell from my mouth and my eyes felt heavy*

Jack:yumm your blood is sweet.

Jaden:p-p Please
I studdeer

James: was that words?

I nod my head no really fast.
They both left for lunch and It gets dark.

I cry and cry...

Rockstars don't cry... But real men do..

I hear something outside I pull myself up the bars and see two little boys. I call them closer but I look scary and scare them.

Who wouldn't be scared of a pale man with red bloody eyes and blood coming out of there mouth....

They come back with there dad and he has a gun.

Oh shit here we go again..

He sees me and yells and takes the kids inside.


I throw up blood and I drop my necklace in the water bowl. I pick it up fast. It was the present Natalie bought us. She bought all of us matching necklaces. It was a photo of Eve, Natalie and I. God how I miss them. It was a bit wet but wasn't ruined. I also had the matching ring on too.

I press it down on my bloody shirt drying it off. I hear cop cars and news reporters and people running towards the building. What was happening...

Was I ganna be saved?

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