Sooo when's it Saturday?😳

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*we skipped a few days*



Nat:have you seen my mom?

Pay:she went to the store with my dad remember?

Nat:ohh Yeah am kinda slow. I said as a giggled.

Payton:wanna play on the PlayStation upstairs with me?


We made our way up the stairs. Payton was putting GTA 5 when my phone vibrated. I had gotten a text from Jaden.



Nat:hello, everything okay?

Jaden:umm yeah just wanted to ask you something.


Jaden:do you want to hang out tomorrow?

Nat:umm yeah that would be great!

Jaden: Great! Text me what time.

Nat:any time would work tbh.

Jaden:what about breakfast tomorrow morning?

Nat: sounds great!

Jaden:okay see you then!



*End of text*

I was beyond excited. To be honest I didn't know if I should count this as a date or not,but I would still dress nice. Me and payton played GTA and told jokes about each other. We ended up falling asleep in the bean bag chair we where both sitting in.

*Next morning*

I woke up next to payton and a blanket around us. Mom must have came in and saw that we where cold. I got up slowly and grabbed my phone. It was 7:56am I put the blanket on payton and left the room.

I went to my room and started to get ready since we were leaving at 8:30am. I took a shower and did my light make-up. I put on a lavender crop top and some black ripped jeans. I put on my black air forces. I grabbed my hoddie and looked in the mirror.

I looked okay and not so bad as I thought I would look. I put on perfume and deodorant and everything else I needed and told my mom where I was going.

I got a text from Jaden to come outside. I said bye and went outside. I walked over to his car and got in.

Jaden:you look nice..

Nat: thanks you don't look bad yourself.

We drove to (whatever breakfast place you want) and we talked all the way over there. We then got to Denny's. Jaden was such a gentleman he opened the car door for you..... TBC

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