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It's been a few weeks the only people that come by are Bryce  Noah and Noen the rest are very busy.

Bryce:I have too go really quick....
He said walking very unusual.

Nat:uhhh is everything ok?

Bryce:yes love you bye!

He said running out the door.

Noah:why he running like his shit don't stink?

I laugh a bit

Nat: Jesus Christ Noah!

Noah:well it's obvious where he's going..

We both looked at each other


Nat:HAHA I was right!

Noah:duh he's always hiding his way over there.

We both laugh

Errrrrrr I feel hungry.

Noah jumps up and runs to the kitchen.

Noah:I got youuuuuuu

He smiles and I return the smile.

He starts making his favorite dish well my favorite spaghetti he makes the best spaghetti in the world better than the fancy restaurants.

I walked upstairs and looked inside Eve's room. The sunlight hits the pastel walls.. the baby toys lay on the ground. Blankets on the rocking chair and some in her crib. Oh how I heated being alone and nobody here for me.

I had the boys but it wasn't the same as having my boyfriend and daughter taken from me. We did have a funeral for baby everligh and Jaden but the caskets were not open due to the fact the been shot in a place visible.

I won't lie to you I cried.....

"Why was it me tho?"

If I could just turn back time....

To at least never go to the shops...

I would .....

Is it my fault they passed?

Or is it just me......

A mistake that was created......

Without me they would still be alive.....


Nat:why was it me tho......

I fell to the ground. Tears falling after another.  Jesus I hated living like this... I look at photos of Jaden and Eve and seeing there smile.... It made me remember there laugh.

I kept crying and crying.. not loud cries just crying to the point no sound was made...


I heard him run around the house looking for me.

Nat:(whispers) here I am a 24 year old hiding from a 26 year old.....

I get up and walk over to him.

Noah: natalie...... Bebe.....

I hug him close

Nat:I always find myself in this room...

Noah:I know but it's going to get better...
I promise...

He said holding my head.

Nat:let's go eat...

Noah:yeah I made your favorite.. i made it with extra goffy love.

He said with a bright funny smile.
I smile back If it wasn't for Noah's dumb jokes I would be in bed all day these boys give me light still.

We go downstairs and eat when I get a call.

The caller ID said unknown.

Who could it be....

*Picks up*


Nat:OMG JAE?!?

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